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Thomas Baer85408
8 discussion posts
I am a programmer and made my own site to serve images. I tried a few things.
The first idea was to make an endpoint that just returns the blob of a random image, and you can specify hints to a browser for the downloaded file. That wasn't obeyed.
The second idea was to redirect (302) to a new url, with a title, filename, etc. It successfully followed the redirect to display the image, but it still has the data as the original random api URL (api/Random/Image).
I would like the data for the redirected URL to be saved for use in the following places:
Info Tags - Title, Description, Filename, etc (whatever can be pulled, the headers often have a bunch of info)
Open in File Explorer (filename should match the resolved url's download name)
Open in web browser (should go to the resolved url, not the original)
EXIF data (might already be there)

In case it wasn't obvious, this is more of a request than anything. I could theoretically just make a basic site with the data I want available and shuffling on a timer, but that seems a bit overkill when the load by URL feature is almost there.
Thanks in advance.

PS. This seems like just an improvement to an existing feature, so making it paid would be odd, but I did buy Pro, so I wouldn't be upset if it was implemented as a premium feature.
Nov 12, 2022  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Thomas, I just want to confirm that I'm understanding your request correctly. You have a URL like but this redirects to something like and you want DisplayFusion to see the "mydog.jpg" filename as the final image that it uses to generate the filename? Can I ask where you'll see this information, like in the wallpaper info on the desktop or somewhere else? Please let me know if I've misunderstood your request. Thanks!
Nov 18, 2022  • #2
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Thomas Baer85408
8 discussion posts
The setup is a little more intelligent, but yes, I think you understand. The url is localhost/api/Random/Image?q=filter_stuff which redirects to localhost/api/Image/9823094817.jpg (random image matching the filter).
I want it to use 9823094817.jpg for the info in the info tags and preferably also when you right-click the desktop and open the wallpaper website or folder in explorer.
Nov 18, 2022 (modified Nov 18, 2022)  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
We have made some changes to DisplayFusion for Beta 18 (coming out soon) to accomodate for redirect URLs. We'll follow-up once it's available then I'll be interested to see if it meets your needs. Thanks!
Nov 22, 2022  • #4
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Thomas Baer85408
8 discussion posts
Awesome, thanks so much. I'm looking forward to it. I don't think I know where to find beta releases. Can you point me in the right direction?

EDIT: nevermind I found it. Thanks again!
Nov 22, 2022 (modified Nov 22, 2022)  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This issue should be fixed up in the latest beta, available here: Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.

Dec 1, 2022  • #6
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Thomas Baer85408
8 discussion posts
Thanks. That was a pretty quick turnaround to something that does what I need it to.
The naming is still kind of odd, but the "Load From URL - Filename (hash)" format isn't necessarily bad, just kind of odd. The opening of the URL works as expected.
• Attachment [protected]: pM2qYSvDxS.png [45,940 bytes]
Dec 5, 2022  • #7
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