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141 discussion posts
Works like a charm, however what really would make it perfect is to be able to switch in sequential, alphabetical folder order.

MS has put out some beautiful wallpapers neatly arranged. i've come to add my wallpapers in the same way. To be able to switch sequentially would put them up in order of subject matter.

Take a look at:
it has a very well designed interface for switching dreams. Something like this would really add value to Displayfusion
May 16, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
I could go for an alpha/numerical as well as random (no repeat) setting. Perhaps it will show up in a future release. ( I seem to get the same 3 or 4 'random' flickr images over and over... :-P)
May 16, 2009  • #2
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141 discussion posts
Ah, you too? I have a large collection but had the impression i've seen a numbers of wallpapers repeated more often and have yet to see at least half of them. I tried by setting switch time to 1 minute and saw repeatedly same wallpapers coming by.
I guess the randomizer is less random then the author wanted it to be.
May 17, 2009  • #3
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343 discussion posts
Ah, you too? I have a large collection but had the impression i've seen a numbers of wallpapers repeated more often and have yet to see at least half of them. I tried by setting switch time to 1 minute and saw repeatedly same wallpapers coming by.
I guess the randomizer is less random then the author wanted it to be.

Well, there's different algorithms you can use in these situations. 'True' random is like a throw of the dice. You may get 7 more often than 12. It's all chance. It takes quite a bit more programming to catch a repeat (out of hundreds, thousands perhaps) and bypass them for one that hasn't been seen yet.
May 17, 2009  • #4
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141 discussion posts
guess so. But it strikes me that during the day (i have 5 min interval) i get to see about 10% of 200+ my wallpaper collection. And always about the same collection.

to be pedantic: the larger the number of dice the lesser the chance of arriving on the same number in a given period of time.
May 17, 2009  • #5
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3 discussion posts
displayfusion seems like a nice program but, the program isn't allowing me to toggle screens and to be able to have different backrounds on each screen. am i doing something wrong? fyi - im running winXP SP3 with vistaTP.

thanks if anyone can help !!
May 24, 2009  • #6
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343 discussion posts
displayfusion seems like a nice program but, the program isn't allowing me to toggle screens and to be able to have different backrounds on each screen. am i doing something wrong? fyi - im running winXP SP3 with vistaTP.

thanks if anyone can help !!

Make sure you have the Background Mode set correctly (see attachment)
• Attachment: DF-1.png [7,069 bytes]
May 25, 2009  • #7
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3 discussion posts
thanks for your reply - i've already have displayfusion set with that setting. do you think i should uninstall and reinstall?
May 25, 2009  • #8
John L. Galt's profile on
Have you tried reverting to a default WinXP theme to see if that is causing a conflict?

If it does not matter, then a reinstall may help....
I am I.
May 25, 2009  • #9
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3 discussion posts
thanks john for taking the time to answering my issue - i have a pretty good hp notebook. i've uninstalled displayfusion, rebooted, and reinstalled. to no avail, i still have the same prob. this is weird. very weird !!
May 26, 2009  • #10
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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts
About random switching: I have a folder with 115 images inside and also another folder with 174 images:
- folder1 (115 images)
- folder1.1 (174 images)
It seems that the images from the subfolder have a much higher priority.

I hope, Jon can optimize this.

May 28, 2009  • #11
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343 discussion posts
I did a quick test of a directory set for random with 15 images in it a switched them manually (cntrl-win-R) and counted which ones hit:

Wpaper 01: 1111111
Wpaper 02: 111
Wpaper 03: 111
Wpaper 04: 111111
Wpaper 05: 111
Wpaper 06: 11111
Wpaper 07: 1111
Wpaper 08: 11
Wpaper 09: 11
Wpaper 10: 1111
Wpaper 11: 11
Wpaper 12: 11
Wpaper 13: 111111
Wpaper 14: 1111
Wpaper 15: 1

Strange that it picks certain ones over and over and others only one or two times. I'm thinking of C++ where you'd use RAND_MAX and get a number like 32,767 and divide your directory of wallpaper count into that. You're remainder will always be less then your wallpaper count. Do this each time the change timer rolls around and you get a random number (up to your wallpaper count max). Still strange that it would seem to favor some over others...

I went to and did the same test:
01: 111
02: 11
03: 1
04: 11
05: 1111111
06: 11
07: 1111
08: 1
09: 11
12: 1111
13: 111
15: 11

So, random is random and unpredictable.. :-P
May 30, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@benway: It's true, random is random. :( Every time DisplayFusion picks a random image, every image has an equal chance of being picked. Whenever someone asks for it to be "more random", what they are really asking for is it to be less random. :) I am planning a feature for a future release that will remember what images have been used, then never display it again until all of the others have appeared. It will be less "random", but the behaviour should be more desirable. :)
May 30, 2009  • #13
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141 discussion posts
and the sequential switching Jon? I'd really like that. I've many sub folders with wallpapers divided in themes. Random doesn't do that justice.
May 30, 2009  • #14
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343 discussion posts
@benway: It's true, random is random. :( Every time DisplayFusion picks a random image, every image has an equal chance of being picked. Whenever someone asks for it to be "more random", what they are really asking for is it to be less random. :) I am planning a feature for a future release that will remember what images have been used, then never display it again until all of the others have appeared. It will be less "random", but the behaviour should be more desirable. :)

My son (who's a computer science major and makes me feel dumb as hell :-P) and I were discussing this. Yeah, random, in a situation like this, is desirable to never repeat. I can imagine, though, that you'd have to set a limit to how many images you 'remember' so as not to bog down DF with more memory usage... (damned if you don't, damned if you do).
May 30, 2009  • #15
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141 discussion posts
I dont know Benway. As a programmer myself i'd solve it by just having a dynamic list with hashes of the filesnames/paths in memory and check against it. With modern computers you wouldn't notice any difference except with a microsecond timer. I mean a 1000 images would already have no impact using a 386 with 640 kb. Nowadays you'd need a vast list of millions of hashes to get a tiny impact.
May 31, 2009  • #16
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343 discussion posts
I dont know Benway. As a programmer myself i'd solve it by just having a dynamic list with hashes of the filesnames/paths in memory and check against it. With modern computers you wouldn't notice any difference except with a microsecond timer. I mean a 1000 images would already have no impact using a 386 with 640 kb. Nowadays you'd need a vast list of millions of hashes to get a tiny impact.

True. :-)
Jon, PM.... :-P
May 31, 2009  • #17
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@benway: Got your message, thanks.

@petrossa: This is probably the way I would implement a feature like this. A hash list fits this situation perfectly, and performance wouldn't suffer much. :) Sequential image changing is coming in version 3.1, don't worry. :)
May 31, 2009  • #18
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141 discussion posts
Yay!!! OT but since we are on a roll here, how much trouble is it to make the secondary taskbar skinnable? (3rd party skinnable that is, as in Windowblinds and such)
Jun 1, 2009  • #19
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks! :)
Jan 12, 2010  • #20
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