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1 discussion post
I don't remember having this problem before, maybe its the way my monitors are set up, but when I apply a full dualscreen picture or each screen separately my primary monitor will have a black space behind my start menu, and the last quarter of the start menu will be a repeat of the top left corner of the picture I applied. If I use Dreamscene, the wallpaper will extend to the bottom of the screen and you can see it move through my start menu, but not with wallpapers it messes up. My monitors are set up like this:

2nd Mon. 1280x1080 Prim. Mon. 1600x1050

Was thinking it was the 30 pixel difference between my 2 monitors but the same thing happens when I apply them separately so I don't know...any help would be great thanks!
Oct 13, 2008  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
All I can ask for are two screenshots. One of the DF window when you open it the other of your desktop Descriptions are really hard to get across over text.
Oct 14, 2008  • #2
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