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68 discussion posts
Hey there,

I am kind of wondering as my firewall just pinged me about DF trying to call to somewhere on opening dreamweaver from it's shortcut on the DF taskbar. What is DisplayFusion Command for? I suppose it's the "shortcut manager" thing, but if it is that, then why does it need to call home somewhere on opening something?
Jul 25, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusionCommand.exe is the command line tool, and the taskbar uses it to launch the applications from the shortcuts. DisplayFusionCommand.exe doesn't have any code that would be contacting anything on the Internet, but it's a signed executable, so it's likely Windows that's causing the Internet access to verify the certificate.

If you get the prompt again from your firewall, can you make a note of the destination IP and/or DNS name? It should resolve back to either Microsoft or VeriSign I believe.

Jul 25, 2012 (modified Jul 25, 2012)  • #2
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68 discussion posts
If I get the message again I'll let you know! Kind of always blocked it from connecting, as I was suspicious of it, but I'll set it back to "ask me"! But if microsoft checks the cert shouldn't that be done via a microsoft program, instead of the actual program ran?
Jul 25, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good! To be honest, I'm not sure why the check is run under the process itself, and not some other Windows service. It's not something that we can configure, it just seems to be the way it works when Windows apps are digitally signed :)

Sorry I don't have a better answer!
Jul 25, 2012 (modified Jul 25, 2012)  • #4
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