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Domen Vidmar62223
3 discussion posts

I'm using DisplayFusion to have two monitor profiles - a 'SIMRACING' profile which has only my 49" monitor at my sim rig enabled, and the other two monitors (34", 24") disabled.

The other profile, 'NORMAL LAYOUT', has the 49" simracing screen disabled and the other two enabled. However, when I switch from 'SIMRACING' to 'NORMAL LAYOUT', while the 49" monitor correctly turns off and the two other correctly turn on, the issue is that the the image of the 24" monitor gets duplicated onto the 34" monitor - keep in mind that the layout, when saved, was set to 'Extend' and the 34" was the primary monitor.
Due to this issue, I have to manually use Windows' WIN+P shortcut to set to extend, then accept the configuration.

Is there something that I have set incorrectly or is this a known issue?
Feb 4, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Feb 5, 2024  • #2
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Domen Vidmar62223
3 discussion posts

thanks for your reply!

Attached is the requested info file after I have reproduced the issue (switched from SIMRACING layout to DEFAULT layout which caused my screen 1 to be 'duplicate' of screen 2 and I had to manually set it to 'Extend' using WIN+P before I clicked 'Keep' to keep my chosen profile
• Attachment [protected]: [1,311,989 bytes]
Feb 7, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. Could you send me a debug log as well? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Feb 8, 2024  • #4
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Domen Vidmar62223
3 discussion posts

attached is the new file after setting logging to L1 and reproducing - this was done around 12:00 CET

Hope this helps!
• Attachment [protected]: [1,706,331 bytes]
Feb 9, 2024  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, we have some changes coming to our next beta that might help here. We'll let you know once it's released to test out.

Feb 23, 2024  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta that might fix this up, can you try it out and let me know if you run into any issues? Here's the link:
Mar 20, 2024  • #7
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