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6 discussion posts
Today when the Displayfusion screensaver exited, I got a message from my firewall that the Displayfusion screensaver was trying to access the internet.

I have my screen saver set to "Photos" and the images it uses are all on my local hard drive. Why should the screen saver require internet access?

Thanks for your time,
Big Al Mintaka

Update - sorry, forgot: I'm using version V3.2.0.106 Beta 6 with Windows 7 Home Premium. Also, my graphics card is a nVidia GEForce 6200. I figured I should add this because in order to run dual monitors with this card, you have to use one DVI port and one VGA port (in case that makes a difference with Displayfusion).

The resolutions are different too. The primary monitor is set to 1600 X 1200 and the secondary is 1280 X 1024. I didn't have a choice with this because the monitors have different capabilities. FWIW I can report that so far it's been smooth sailing with DisplayFusion as far as mouse and window transitions between the two monitors. Whatever you did to make that work, keep doing it!

Finally, I wanted to add that despite the tone of my other postings, I see potential in this program and like it a lot. Obviously I have differences with the way the taskbar clocks are being implemented but those are minor hurdles in this kind of multi-display software. Keep up the good work, and belayed congrats for the addition to your family!
Nov 10, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The Displayfusion screensaver itself isn't accessing the internet, but it is a signed EXE file. Windows will attempt to verify the code signing certificate with an online certificate authority. If you do a "ping -a" on the IP address that your firewall is reporting, you should find that it is a Microsoft, or a different CA server. :)

As for the taskbar clocks issue, unfortunately DisplayFusion can only really control it's own taskbars, so the standard Windows taskbar won't be modified, sorry.
Nov 11, 2010  • #2
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6 discussion posts
The Displayfusion screensaver itself isn't accessing the internet, but it is a signed EXE file. Windows will attempt to verify the code signing certificate with an online certificate authority. If you do a "ping -a" on the IP address that your firewall is reporting, you should find that it is a Microsoft, or a different CA server. :)

As for the taskbar clocks issue, unfortunately DisplayFusion can only really control it's own taskbars, so the standard Windows taskbar won't be modified, sorry.

Thanks for the response; it's good to know that about signed EXE files and internet access.

As far as not being able to control the clock on the Windows taskbar goes, see my latest response to the same topic in this thread:;topicseen#new

It can be done by TClockEx on my Windows 7 platform, though I don't take the chance of running it and DisplayFusion at the same time.

Thanks for your time,
Big Al Mintaka
Nov 11, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to run this clock utility and DisplayFusion at the same time, the clock utility will just ignore the DisplayFusion taskbar clock. :)
Nov 28, 2010  • #4
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