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Michelle Ellis' profile on
I've been pulling my hair out for three days now trying to figure this out. I own a copy of Ultramon and it's always been good to me.... until eyefinity. Now it just crashes all the time so I started out trying to find a replacement.

So, I have win7pro64 and two Radeon HD6950's. I have an Eyefinity display (3 monitors) and an extended desktop (4th monitor on 2nd video card). My cards idle at about 50c and 34c and when I'm playing a game I see temps climb upwards of the mid 70c range.

I installed the free copy of DisplayFusion and figured I'd buy it in a day or two. But then I started having video issues on the desktop and in games. First my windows and wallpaper would shift downwards by about maybe 100 pixels or so when using Alt Tab or closing a program or minimizing it. Then what totally threw me off was when I was playing a game that sits at around 73c under full load and after extended time in the game, just would never get hotter than that but I saw my game getting hot then it was in the 80's I was wondering ???? and then it got hotter and hotter till I quit the game in a panic when it started going past 88c. Started wondering if it was my new(ish) graphics drivers, so I rolled them back. same thing. Started thinking it was RadeonPro - Uninstalled it. Then I figured maybe reset my card values back to defaults and then everything went haywire. I couldn't even re-establish my Eyefinity group :( So I ran Windows Restore to several days back and all was good again (Display Fusion was Uninstalled at that point).

I played tonite and this morning in my game and temps were as they normally are. So I started adding things back. First my drivers, no problems, then RadeonPro, no problems..... then I just reinstalled DisplayFusion and I'm back to the overheating issue :( I just quit and uninstalled it while writing this but my idle temps are still almost 60c... I hope after resetting that won't be the case but if it is I'll add to this post.

This looks like a terrific program and I'd love to run it... so I thought I'd ask here and see if there's anything.


Edit: sigh.... yeah, messed things up again :( had to windows restore just to get things back to normal. like an idiot I forgot to make a restore point and lost todays work for the 2nd time in a row LOL
Jun 17, 2013 (modified Jun 17, 2013)  • #1
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121 discussion posts
When was the last time you blew out the inside of your box?

75% of all overheating issues are started by dust. And it gets worse the longer the machine is on..........

FYI, sorry if no help.
Jun 17, 2013 (modified Jun 17, 2013)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Michelle: That's really strange! We haven't had anyone report this issue before. Was your card still overheating even after uninstalling DisplayFusion (but before the System Restore)?
Jun 17, 2013  • #3
Michelle Ellis' profile on
yes, it was still overheating after the uninstall. it took a system restore to fix it.

(thanks for the thought Sarris, but I'm really weird about my computer, it has about a million fans and I blow it out and clean it all the time lol it has really great cooling and a waterblock on the cpu)
Jun 17, 2013 (modified Jun 17, 2013)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, that's really weird. If DisplayFusion was uninstalled (and therefore not running), I can't imagine how it could be affecting anything on the system. The uninstaller kills the process and removes all of the DisplayFusion program files, so there shouldn't be anything running related to DisplayFusion at all.

If you still want to try and troubleshoot it, please let me know. The only thing we can really do is to send you older versions to see if the issue goes away at all, to try and determine if some recent change caused this issue.

Jun 18, 2013  • #5
Michelle Ellis' profile on
yeah, that was my thought too. I'm no registry expert, I can only guess then that it was something in there or just incompatible with something else I'm running. Stardock programs (Windowblinds, ObjectDock etc) and MSI Afterburner are really the only two things I know of that haven't been compatible with other software at times.... but mostly older stuff for Stardock (and actually nothing in recent years since I've had win7) and mostly for just games with afterburner. Those programs for me tho kinda have priority on my system, so I can't just not run them. Ultramon of course, but that wasn't running at the time.

The only thing I really want from DisplayFusion is the ability to put a taskbar and start button on my 4th monitor. I don't know of anything else that does that. I wouldn't mind trying an older version..... but if I'm the only person ever to have a problem like this I can't see buying a program that will never be updated for me :( (sry, probly sounds bad)

Thanks! I do appreciate the help.
Jun 18, 2013 (modified Jun 18, 2013)  • #6
Michelle Ellis' profile on
I'll give them a try.

Thanks Keith! :)
Jun 19, 2013  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem Michelle!
Jun 19, 2013  • #9
Michelle Ellis' profile on
yay! I just installed 4.3 and there's no more overheating. I wish I knew what was going on. Seems pretty strange. Even after all my testing I can't help but think I screwed something up along the way. Anyhow, I'm going to buy my pro key now :) Thanks again!
Jun 21, 2013  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! Well, hopefully all will be well, and thank you in advance for your purchase! If you do run into any trouble again in the future, please let us know :)

Jun 21, 2013  • #11
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Paul Peterson
2 discussion posts
Not to hijack this thread, but I wanted to give you another option for your overheating problem.

I have a Geforce 670GTX (EVGA) and with absolutely zero overclocking, my card overheated and eventually shut down my computer whenever any dirextx9+ app did heavy screen screen rendering. Even in games like WOW, EVE, or Guildwars 2, the high end settings, while still fast at 30+ FPS, overheated my card and eventually shut down my computer.

It turned out that my 600 watt power supply with 3 12v rails couldnt handle the load from the card. (Which actually had 2 connectors on 2 different rails)

I replaced it with an 800 watt power supply with a single 12v rail and the problem went away. No more fan speed tweaking, Geforce Riva tuning utilities or anything else was necessary to keep the card cool.

Including DF's screen savers.

Good luck
Feb 3, 2014  • #12
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