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Fred The Bulldog68611
2 discussion posts
I manage a local community theatre and when guests come to the box office to buy tickets, we have no way of showing them the seating map. I want to setup a nice little secondary monitor that is normally showing our logo or video and then be able to quickly tap a button or key somewhere that will share the seating map on the second screen.

The ticketing system runs through a Chrome browser and the seating map loads within a modal panel within the browser. So if there were a button on the browser top bar or something that when the seating map is open, I click it and it not only will show it on the second monitor but also go full screen so they don't see my browser. I just want them to se the seating map.

Then when they select their seats, I click another button or keyboard shortcut and it returns to the screensaver on the monitor facing them.

Is this possible?
Aug 20, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you setup your window on that monitor, and then just had a hotkey to start the screensaver & stop it with a mouse shake, would that work?
Aug 21, 2023  • #2
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Fred The Bulldog68611
2 discussion posts
both the staff in the box office and the customer need to see the map at the same time to verify selection. So it would need to mirror the screen but we dont want to show the whole sceeen screen, just the browser tab. Yes we could switch to full screen but we use the computers for other things so switching back and forth from full screen (F11) would be a hassle.

In a perfect world, we would have a button on the ticketing box office web page (We can have them implement this custom update) that we click to instantly share that tab with the second monitor that the customers can see. When the customer decides which seats they want, we can click the button again to stop the screen share.

I have a feeling this can be done with display fusion, I just I'm not sure if something similar to this can be done easily within the native service offering of display fusion or if we would have to go the route of custom coding.
Aug 22, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, we have a script in our repository called "Mirror Window, Move to Monitor 2, and Exit on Keypress" that sounds like it would work for you. If you would like to test it out, just let me know and I can send over a 30 day trial key.

It will mirror the entire browser window though, we don't support mirroring a specific tab.
Aug 22, 2023  • #4
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