3 discussion posts
I have a few bugs that seem to pop up intermittently.
1. I have the middle button click on the title bar set to move to the other monitor. Occasionally it stops working. The only way I have found to get it working again is to close DF and then restart.
2. Excel continues to have odd behavior. Excel runs usually on my secondary monitor, but I have it pinned on the primary to launch it. When I have more than one spreadsheet open, some of the taskbar icons will switch over to the primary monitor when minimized. I then have to go to the taskbar icon on the primary monitor to get them maximized again.
egmiley, I have noticed this (#1) too - but I have found the problem to be with Logitech's SetPoint utility. If I close and re-open the SetPoint utility it also starts working again. I cannot pinpoint it, but it seems to occur most frequently after I have either been playing a game (which I have now eliminated as I close down most things that I don't use, including DF, when gaming (GRID and NFS:SHIFT like me all the better for it) but also occasionally when coming out of sleep / hibernate mode.
Are you by chance also using Logitech's SetPoint utility?
I am I.

3 discussion posts
Yes I am using Logitech Setpoint. I just upgraded to the latest version 4.8. I will see if the problem persists or if the new drivers help.

36 discussion posts
I also found another bug on this beta:
sometimes after you restore programs minimized or after exit from full screen with wmp a little window square box like "2 x "2 flashes, just for a bit I know is DF cus they only thing I can get to read (desapear very fast) is the window title that says: DisplayFusion. Like I just said it just apear and desapear very fast but enough to notice and is kinda annoying.
I know is a beta but Im just giving my feedback
@caotico69: Thanks for the heads-up, I'll check this out before the final release.