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48 discussion posts
Yes, Winamp again, I'm sorry, I just love the program.

The changes you made in 3.1.7 for Winamp did help. But it's not quite alright yet. It (the Winamp icon) still disappears from the DF taskbar from time to time and as soon as a song is finished playing the whole Winamp icon just disappears from the DF taskbar and sometimes it returns after 1 second again, some times I have to click Winamp a few times to get it back again. Also when a song has '&' in the artist name or title, it shows the & two times instead of one time.

Using DisplayFusion 3.1.7 with Winamp 5.572 using the Modern Skin on Windows 7 Ultimate x86.
Feb 15, 2010  • #1
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48 discussion posts
Also, sometimes when I click pause while playing a song (not everytime it happens) the icon disappears and I have to double click the Winamp window a few times to make the icon come back on the DF taskbar.
Feb 15, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The double-ampersand issue has already been fixed in the latest beta, but I'll check out the disappearing icon issue. Thanks! :)
Feb 15, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you give this new beta a try? It should correct both of these issues now. :)

I'd be interested to hear if this new beta works for you. Thanks!
Feb 16, 2010  • #4
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48 discussion posts
Works like a charm now, thanks! One thing though, while installing I noticed a weird character in the text, it should be "geïnstalleerd". I also noticed some other mistakes in the Dutch translation. I'll upload a corrected one soon.
Feb 18, 2010  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for letting me know! I've re-packaged the installer with an updated language file and everything seems ok. You can re-download Beta 4 if you'd like to see. :) Thanks!
Feb 18, 2010  • #6
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