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Gregory Diebold
49 discussion posts
I currently have a trigger that fires on a particular program startup, which works fine. I would now like to add a 'shutown' trigger for that same program.

To accomplish this, I created a Window Destroyed trigger (A) which calls a sub-function (B). It does fire when the program is closed, but it seems to also fire when the program is started. I verified my suspicion by adding a 'Show Notification' action.

Is this the correct event to choose (C) to fire a fuction on a program close?
• Attachment: APT DOWN.png [105,277 bytes]
Jan 5, 2024 (modified Jan 5, 2024)  • #1
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102 discussion posts
If the program has something like a splashscreen at startup, that would be a window and it might destroy it soon after. But there could be other things that qualify that aren't even visible. It's hard to say.

If you're looking for the program closing and you already know what the main window is, just drag the crosshair from Window Class to the program and filter it to that.
Jan 6, 2024  • #2
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Gregory Diebold
49 discussion posts
I tested this today and found there is a very quick flash of a splashscreen at startup, barely noticable. The splash seems like a nanosecond.

I was curious so I took a video of the screen using SnagIt & replayed until I found the few frames that had the splash. There were actually two quick splash screens, one with the auto-filled login info. I changed the trigger to use Window Class instead. Oddly, the identifier, "Qt5QWindowIcon", has no resemblance to the program name...

99.5% of my programs do not have splash screens. I just happened to choose one that did to try .Destroy for the first time. Good lesson learned. 🖖

😍 DisplayFusion
Jan 6, 2024 (modified Jan 6, 2024)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@JLJTGR Thanks for helping out!
Jan 8, 2024  • #4
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