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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
When I leave work, SSMS is on the right hand monitor.

When I remote in from home, I activate the application.

When I come into work, SSMS is not displayed in either monitor nor is an icon displayed in either taskbar.

I run task manager,Application tabs, double click on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, the application is then displayed in the left monitor.

This also happens with Chrome Browser.
Sep 19, 2012  • #1
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Jim Parzych
19 discussion posts
the win 7 icon fix also fixed this situation. I did not reboot yesterday. I remoted in last night which moved the app to the left monitor. I came in this morning and the icon was displayed and i was able to access the app without having to invoke task manager.
Sep 20, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, that's great to hear Jim, thanks for the update!
Sep 20, 2012  • #3
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