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Robert Watson1
6 discussion posts
Trying to start a videoplayer on a specific monitor and pass parameters to start it in full screen using the Window Location tab:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Stereoscopic Player\StereoPlayer.exe
Command Line:
C:\"Program Files (x86)\Stereoscopic Player\StereoPlayer.exe" -file:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Stereoscopic Player\3DStartup.jps"

the videoplayer starts but ignores the command line parameter. If I enter the exact command line in a cmd window everything works.
Nov 13, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The Command Line field in Window Location is for detecting the command line, not setting it.

The best way for you to achieve what you're looking for would be to add a shortcut to the DisplayFusion taskbar for it (the Command Line box in the New Shortcut is for setting the command line parameters). To do this, right-click the taskbar, and navigate to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Shortcuts > Edit Shortcuts. Then click Add Application, fill in the details, and make sure the "Force application to start on same monitor" option is enabled.

Hope that helps!
Nov 13, 2013  • #2
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Robert Watson1
6 discussion posts
hmmm....I'm using the window location feature to prevent the videoplayer from being kicked out of full screen mode when taskbar, etc actions happen. If I run it from a shortcut will this behavior still be enforced?
Nov 13, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can still keep the Window Location rule active, and it will remain in place, even when launching it from the taskbar shortcut.
Nov 14, 2013  • #4
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