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31 discussion posts
I've got 2 monitors, the first dividev in 4 and the second one (in vertical) divided in 3 (see attachement).
When I load the window position (see attachment for details), the windows are positioned in the wrong area. For example it puts almost all of the Forefox windows in display 2.3.
I've tried creating a new profile, but the problem persist. The restored position of the windows is not always the same.
• Attachment [protected]: Display layout.png [66,763 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Window position.png [159,395 bytes]
Oct 17, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Marc,

I would guess the Window Text from your screenshot for those Firefox entries are all the same, which means all 3 match conditions for each entry are the same. If there isn't a way to differentiate them, DisplayFusion will move them all to the same location unfortunately.

You could use the Save/Restore functions in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, as that will look for the window handles instead, but it won't persist through reboots.
Oct 17, 2023  • #2
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31 discussion posts
Hi Marc,

I would guess the Window Text from your screenshot for those Firefox entries are all the same, which means all 3 match conditions for each entry are the same. If there isn't a way to differentiate them, DisplayFusion will move them all to the same location unfortunately.

Actually they are all different.

You could use the Save/Restore functions in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, as that will look for the window handles instead, but it won't persist through reboots.

I'll try this, thanks!
Oct 17, 2023 (modified Oct 17, 2023)  • #3
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31 discussion posts

You could use the Save/Restore functions in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, as that will look for the window handles instead, but it won't persist through reboots.

This seems to be working better (even if some windows are placed randomly).
Is there a way to restore the level of the windows (foregraound/background)?
Oct 18, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Not at the moment, but it's on our feature request list so I've added your vote to it
Oct 18, 2023  • #5
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