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14 discussion posts
Has anyone else found that DisplayFusion does work right with Google Chrome windows ?
- I can get a Chrome window to switch monitors fine
- if I have a Chrome window maximised and try a resize, it fails ... although the window changes from maximised to a resizeable
- if the Chrome window is not full sized, moves on the same monitor happen, but the resize doesn't
Sep 17, 2008  • #1
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14 discussion posts
Anyone got a solution to this problem ? :?
Has anyone else found that DisplayFusion does work right with Google Chrome windows ?
- I can get a Chrome window to switch monitors fine
- if I have a Chrome window maximised and try a resize, it fails ... although the window changes from maximised to a resizeable
- if the Chrome window is not full sized, moves on the same monitor happen, but the resize doesn't
Sep 28, 2008  • #2
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12 discussion posts
don't know why it's not working, but it might help if you can link your examples with the specific DF action.

For example, you say "...if I try a resize..." - I assume this relates to 'Move windows to centre of monitor and size to 75%' - but it'd probably help to clarify this.
Sep 29, 2008  • #3
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14 discussion posts
Good point ...
an example custom hot key is ...
- keep window on same monitor
- move window to bottom side of monitor
- change window width to specified percentage ... 33
- change window height to specified percentage ... 50
The movement happens, it's the change width/height that doesn't work
don't know why it's not working, but it might help if you can link your examples with the specific DF action.

For example, you say "...if I try a resize..." - I assume this relates to 'Move windows to centre of monitor and size to 75%' - but it'd probably help to clarify this.
Sep 29, 2008  • #4
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343 discussion posts
Google Chrome is causing problems elsewhere too. Chrome draws it's own header bar (not using Window's standards) and it throws a lot of things off. Might be best to hit up the Google forums about this...
Oct 2, 2008  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Strangely enough, DisplayFusion is working correctly. When you drag a maximized window to your other monitor, DisplayFusion sizes the window to be 100% the size of the monitor then maximizes it. This prevents any strange window flickering from occurring. The downside to this is that with applications like Google Chrome it behaves strangely when "restoring" the window. I'm not sure what advice I can give. The Google Chrome browser is still resizable, you just need to grab it at the corners after restoring it and resize it.
Oct 29, 2008  • #6
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