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2 discussion posts

First of all, DF is a great program and only using it for a few hours I can see myself purchasing the pro version. However, I have ran into one small issue and I'm not sure if it can be corrected. When I snap windows on my monitor it seems they are not locked to each other and show about a 1 pixel space in between them. Is there a way to solution this? After exhaustive searches online I may be saddened to hear there may not be a fix and is something baked into Windows 10. Any help would be most appreciated. Please see screenshot attached.
• Attachment [protected]: Capture1.PNG [59,125 bytes]
Oct 1, 2023 (modified Oct 1, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah I believe that's a windows style Microsoft added in, we haven't found a way around that unfortunately :(
Oct 2, 2023  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Yeah I believe that's a windows style Microsoft added in, we haven't found a way around that unfortunately :(

I kind of figured that was the case. Minor annoyance that I can overlook since it's only 1 pixel. Still, DF is amazing for lots of other features I sorely needed! Thanks so much!
Oct 2, 2023  • #3
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