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Seth 42
3 discussion posts
My Windows 10 machine freezes for up to a minute or two when I log in, and unfreezes when Display Fusion changes the background picture. I've had the same behavior whether I'm using wallpapers from a local directory or fetching them from the web. Stopping the DisplayFusion service as recommended here seems to fix this behavior immediately, so I'm fairly certain it's DF that's the problem. Any recommended fixes?
Dec 7, 2017 (modified Dec 7, 2017)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
When it's hung, is the DisplayFusionService listed as Starting, Started, or not running?
Dec 7, 2017  • #2
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Seth 42
3 discussion posts
When it's having this problem, the service shows as "Running" in Task Manager.
Dec 8, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I wonder if the service is slow to startup for some reason, and everything is kind of blocked while that's happening. Is the service set to Automatic, or Automatic (Delayed Start)?
Dec 8, 2017  • #4
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Seth 42
3 discussion posts
Looks like it's set to Automatic (Delayed Start). Also, I probably wasn't clear enough in my original posting; this happens when I unlock the computer after being away from it for a while, not necessarily on an initial powerup and login. It might happen then too, but I restart rarely enough that I'm not sure.

Also, what exactly does the service do? I was surprised after I stopped it that all of the DF features I use seemed to still be working fine. Can I just leave it disabled?
Dec 11, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's only used for enabling/disabling the desktop context menu entries, and changing the Windows Lock Screen image. If you don't need to do either of those two things, it's safe to leave it disabled.
Dec 11, 2017  • #6
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