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1 discussion post
I am having issues with my dual monitors on Windows 10. They connect just fine, but about every 45 seconds the will both go black for about 5 seconds then they will come back on. This repeats constantly. I have tried both monitors as primary and I have updated and rolled back the drivers. The monitors are hooked up with a vga and an hdmi to dvi cable. If both monitors are connected but only one is enabled it will work fine, bother the second I activate the other it starts disconnecting and reconnecting. I even plays the sound that it makes when you unplug and plug in new hardware. Please help. I am at my wit's end.
Jul 12, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
To rule out a software issue, you could try disabling all programs from startup, then reboot to see if you still have this issue. If booting without any startup programs doesn't make any difference, there are a few more things you can try:
  • Make sure you have all Windows Updates installed
  • Make sure you have the latest graphics card drivers installed for your video card
  • Try replacing the video cables and adapter
  • Try the monitors on a different machine to see if you run into the same issue

Hope that helps!
Jul 13, 2016  • #2
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Alex Maclean98665
1 discussion post
Incredibly late to the party, but did you ever find a solution for this? I've been scraping the internet for days, and you're the only person I've found with my exact problem. If you figured it out in the end, I'd love to know how. Thanks in advance for anything you can provide!!
Aug 7, 2020  • #3
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Kevin Alcazar78545
1 discussion post
hey, have you guys figured this out? Mine is doing the same too
Jan 22, 2021  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Kevin,

Have you run through the suggestions Keith noted?

Jan 22, 2021  • #5
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2 discussion posts
I am having similar issues and have cycled cables and tried it without Display Fusion and its not happening without Display Fusion. I can't get a screencap but if there is anything I can do please let me know. It will just turn off one or two monitors randomly and reconnect. Almost like Display Fusion is glitching out or resetting???:(:(:(:(:(
Aug 15, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

If you open the Windows Display Settings, is the monitor disappearing from that window when it disconnects?
Aug 15, 2023  • #7
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2 discussion posts
Unfortunately whatever screen display fusion is on is disconnect. I feel like maybe this is only a problem with the Steam version maybe. I'm trying to see if I can get the regular version, the steam version is causing me very weird problems.
Aug 15, 2023  • #8
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