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Jeroen van de Haterd612617
1 discussion post
When using the DisplayFusion multi-monitor taskbar function and having the Windows multi-monitor taskbar disabled the new task view function does not work properly and only show the windows which are on your main screen's taskbar.
It would be great if every monitor would show the windows it holds.

Here is an example, the right and left screen windows are not shown.

I'm using DisplayFusion 7.2.
Jul 29, 2015 (modified Jul 29, 2015)  • #1
madLyfe's profile on
When using the DisplayFusion multi-monitor taskbar function and having the Windows multi-monitor taskbar disabled the new task view function does not work properly and only show the windows which are on your main screen's taskbar.
It would be great if every monitor would show the windows it holds.

Here is an example, the right and left screen windows are not shown.

I'm using DisplayFusion 7.2.

i am having this issue as well
Jul 30, 2015  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Same here
Jul 31, 2015  • #3
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David King6
2 discussion posts
Just wanted to chime in and say I'm seeing the same behavior.
Aug 3, 2015  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This issue is currently on our list to fix up. For some reason, windows that have been removed from the Primary taskbar (like ones that have been moved to a DF taskbar) don't register in Task View any more. There is a workaround, which is to set the Taskbar Mode on the Settings > Taskbar tab to "Windows taskbar shows all windows..." It's definitely not ideal, but hopefully a decent compromise until we can find a way to fix it up in the future :)
Aug 5, 2015  • #5
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David King6
2 discussion posts
Great, thanks for the quick response. Good to know it's being looked at, and I can live with having all of the icons on the main taskbar for now.
Aug 5, 2015  • #6
madLyfe's profile on
This issue is currently on our list to fix up. For some reason, windows that have been removed from the Primary taskbar (like ones that have been moved to a DF taskbar) don't register in Task View any more. There is a workaround, which is to set the Taskbar Mode on the Settings > Taskbar tab to "Windows taskbar shows all windows..." It's definitely not ideal, but hopefully a decent compromise until we can find a way to fix it up in the future :)

do you know if this fix will be included in this version? i have tons of windows open always so it makes it mostly unusable.
Sep 10, 2015  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It won't, unfortunately. This issue is going to require a ton of time and research to fix up (if it's even possible to fix) so unfortunately, we can't offer an ETA at the moment :(
Sep 10, 2015  • #8
madLyfe's profile on
It won't, unfortunately. This issue is going to require a ton of time and research to fix up (if it's even possible to fix) so unfortunately, we can't offer an ETA at the moment :(

i hope you code ninjas can figure it out. is it possible to let windows run the taskbars so it doesnt mess with anything to get virtual desktops working or am i SOL?
Sep 11, 2015  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can use the Windows built-in taskbars if you like, yep! Just disable the DF taskbars (Settings > Taskbar tab), then enable the Windows one in the Properties for the Windows taskbar :)
Sep 11, 2015  • #10
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1 discussion post
Hello everyone! I was having the same problem and thought that it was because of the updates Microsoft sent out. You'll need to type Settings- ->System- ->Multitasking. In the right-hand pane, the Virtual Desktops section gives you control over what is displayed on the Taskbar and when Alt+Tab is pressed. I forgot that I had changed mine and it showed all of the windows that were open on each desktop. So, maybe this is what happened to you all's desktop. Give it a shot. :)
Oct 3, 2015  • #11
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1 discussion post
I found one feature in win 10. When on second display open new windows apps like new settings window or calculator or windows store they are displayed, but old classik windows did't
Jan 17, 2016  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@germanius: Could you provide some more details (maybe screenshots?) for your issue? I'm not quite sure what you're referencing.

Jan 20, 2016  • #13
g00py's profile on
Subscribing. Ran across this issue today.
Jul 26, 2016  • #14
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John Gardner
2 discussion posts
Any updates on this issue?
Mar 8, 2017  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry :(
Mar 8, 2017  • #16
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Tom Kenyon
16 discussion posts
Any updates here?

The puzzling thing is that it was not a problem until I reformatted my computer and reinstalled everything.
Apr 6, 2017  • #17
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2 discussion posts
This is taking a long time to fix!
May 3, 2017  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately this isn't an easy issue to fix. The Windows API only provides one way to remove a button from the Windows taskbar, and when we do that, it unregisters the window from Alt+Tab and Virtual Desktops. For now, the best workaround is to set the DisplayFusion Taskbar Mode to "Windows shows all, DisplayFusion shows relevant," or disable the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbars and enable the Windows 10 multi-monitor taskbars.

Sorry I don't have better news on this :(
May 5, 2017  • #19
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Michael Arroyo
1 discussion post
Was this ever fixed? Only have the pro license for the DF taskbar and little issues like this are fairly aggravating.
Jul 21, 2017 (modified Jul 21, 2017)  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry. We will post an update when it is fixed up.
Jul 21, 2017  • #21
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Kristopher Walsh
12 discussion posts
I'm not a heavy Taskbar user. Option 2 works best for my needs
Option 1 - Using DF Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Setting: DF Settings/Taskbar - Set the DisplayFusion Taskbar Mode to "Windows shows all, DisplayFusion shows relevant"
Result: On the Taskbar of Monitor #2 you can see open apps from your other virtual desktop. When you click one, the other virtual desktop opens.

Option 2 - Using Windows Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Setting 1: DF Settings/Taskbar - Uncheck the box nex to "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars"
Setting 2: Windows Taskbar Multiple Displays/Show Taskbar buttons/Taskbar where window is open
Result: All monitors are used for a virtual desktop. On the Taskbar of Monitor #2 you only see open apps for your current virtual desktop. *IMHO this is how a virtual desktop should work. :)
• Attachment: Option 1.png [25,260 bytes]
Option 1.png
Option 1.png
• Attachment: Option 2.png [27,874 bytes]
Option 2.png
Option 2.png
Jan 19, 2018 (modified Jan 19, 2018)  • #22
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9 discussion posts
I have found a workaround. Instead of using the Windows virtual desktops, I tried this freeware:

I've installed it and with the tray icon I can switch between multiple virtual desktops and it works perfectly so far with DisplayFusion :)
Feb 13, 2018  • #23
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Bruce A Frank
1 discussion post
Thanks Kristopher Walsh!

Option 1 worked great for me! ;)

Seems if the setting for (Taskbar mode:), All taskbars show relevant windows (makes sense that active windows also follow, hence: Relevant Windows).

Changing to Windows taskbars shows all windows, DisplayFusion shows relevant windows. releases the active windows to stay on the desktop they are assigned.

Using three monitors and an HDTV (movies, video and training) and 4 Desktops give me an effective 16 screens to segregate specific processes while working. Option 1separates all software tasks to keep me organized and increases my productivity.

I'm not a heavy Taskbar user. Option 2 works best for my needs
Option 1 - Using DF Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Setting: DF Settings/Taskbar - Set the DisplayFusion Taskbar Mode to "Windows shows all, DisplayFusion shows relevant"
Result: On the Taskbar of Monitor #2 you can see open apps from your other virtual desktop. When you click one, the other virtual desktop opens.

Option 2 - Using Windows Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Setting 1: DF Settings/Taskbar - Uncheck the box nex to "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars"
Setting 2: Windows Taskbar Multiple Displays/Show Taskbar buttons/Taskbar where window is open
Result: All monitors are used for a virtual desktop. On the Taskbar of Monitor #2 you only see open apps for your current virtual desktop. *IMHO this is how a virtual desktop should work. :)
Mar 25, 2018  • #24
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Matthew Shapiro
29 discussion posts
It won't, unfortunately. This issue is going to require a ton of time and research to fix up (if it's even possible to fix) so unfortunately, we can't offer an ETA at the moment :(

Holy cow this must be a seriously non-trivial problem to resolve! You folks are usually pretty darn quick to resolve significant issues. I actually only started working with virtual desktops recently, and was mostly using them on my primary display (Win10 taskbar). Only tonight, as I tried in vain to figure out how to put the Task View button onto the DF taskbar did I realize that Task View wasn't working properly on display 2 (DF taskbar). Ah well.
Apr 25, 2020  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It is indeed! We may have a lead on it, but it's too early to tell if it will work out, and how long it will take to implement reliably. We will definitely post an update if/when we have it working though!
Apr 27, 2020  • #26
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1 discussion post
I'm not a heavy Taskbar user. Option 2 works best for my needs
Option 1 - Using DF Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Setting: DF Settings/Taskbar - Set the DisplayFusion Taskbar Mode to "Windows shows all, DisplayFusion shows relevant"
Result: On the Taskbar of Monitor #2 you can see open apps from your other virtual desktop. When you click one, the other virtual desktop opens.

Option 2 - Using Windows Multi-Monitor Taskbar
Setting 1: DF Settings/Taskbar - Uncheck the box nex to "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars"
Setting 2: Windows Taskbar Multiple Displays/Show Taskbar buttons/Taskbar where window is open
Result: All monitors are used for a virtual desktop. On the Taskbar of Monitor #2 you only see open apps for your current virtual desktop. *IMHO this is how a virtual desktop should work. :)

this saved me a lot of heartache. I'll miss having the displayfusion hotbar, but task view working is more important for me.
May 6, 2021  • #27
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7 discussion posts
It's 2022 and I just hit this one. Been making me crazy trying to figure out why virtual desktops seemed to have regressed. The difference was I was running Display Fusion on this machine. Last post above here nicely, in one post, saved me more pain. For now option 2 is working for me. Much thanks.
Feb 28, 2022  • #28
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