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8 discussion posts

I'm having some generic slow performance on DF, which i unceremoniously worked around by disabling global application hooks as problem feels too unspecified to easily troubleshoot. (slow taskbar window peek, DF itself opening/navigating slow, general feeling of sluggish system)

But the side effect is that alt+tab is only showing main monitor windows when DF alt+tab functionality is enabled OR disabled (looks as if DF is handling it even in disabled state in settings.)

Only shutting down DF seems to return windows own alt+tab handler with full functionality. So any way to keep DF from touching alt tab?
Nov 8, 2021  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

After disabling Alt+Tab in the DisplayFusion Settings, can you set the Taskbar Mode to "Windows taskbar shows all windows, DisplayFusion shows relevant windows", and see if the issue persists?

Nov 8, 2021  • #2
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8 discussion posts
That did the trick, thanks a lot! :)

Though unfortunate side effect is that now main monitor is showing every monitors tray icons as duplicates, but at least its workable
Nov 8, 2021 (modified Nov 9, 2021)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

We'll definitely want to fix up that performance issue, which should fix up your alt tab issues as well when you re-enable application hooks. When your system slows down, if you open Task Manager > Processes, is anything high in usage?

Nov 9, 2021  • #4
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usually firefox (twitch/youtube) with 10-20% and second is Displayfusion with 3-10%, but its hard to pinpoint what is triggering the jump in cpu load, as i might just be on the desktop doing nothing.

Disabling Application hooks helps somewhat, but still can go up to high utilization (i7-8700k), running as low priority process changes nothing
Nov 9, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Interesting, if you re-enable those hooks, can you open the DisplayFusion Settings window and disable some of the settings listed (Triggers, Multi-Monitor Taskbars, Screen Saver, etc.) the next time the issue happens, and see if anything in particular fixes it up?

Nov 10, 2021  • #6
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8 discussion posts
Fresh launch all hooks re-enabled: DF cpu 0,4% & 71,4 MB ram

Jumping between active windows by clicking on multi monitor taskbars: DF cpu spikes to 5% temporarily, but drops back to 0,4%
t+90min DF cpu 1,3% 95,1 MB ram
t+2h DF cpu jumping between 1,4-2,2%,
t+4h DF cpu 4,7-5,2% 261 MB ram, same programs open. Average utilization seemed to increase gradually over time

starting settings changes
screen saver, already off
triggers, already off
key combinations, disabled no change
Multi-monitor taskbar, disabled -> drop down to 2% cpu
maximized window dragging between monitors, disabled -> spike up to 4,9-6,1% and stay there
maximized window dragging between monitors, re-enable -> marginally lower 4,5-5,5% (coincidental?)

edit:9 hours later now closing to 10% cpu load while i was out and computer idle, so definitely increasing over time
Nov 11, 2021 (modified Nov 11, 2021)  • #7
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8 discussion posts
Tried running with multi monitor taskbar disabled and all other features enabled.

stable 0,1% cpu load, so seems like culprit is clear
Nov 14, 2021  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you try updating to the latest beta, then when the CPU usage is high, send us a new copy of the troubleshooting info? (steps below)

Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Nov 15, 2021  • #9
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8 discussion posts
Looks like I'm already running the latest beta and luckily i already exported the troubleshooting details when i was testing the earlier high cpu situation
• Attachment [protected]: [83,263 bytes]
Nov 16, 2021  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Thanks for sending that over, everything seems fine there. Could you send us in a help request via the Help > Contact us form?

Nov 23, 2021  • #11
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Globe Spy
23 discussion posts
This issues still persists with in Win 11 using V10 of DF (non beta).
Using the steps provided it resolves the slow Alt-Tabbing.
Thought this might have been resolved since this is an old thread.
Jul 12, 2023  • #12
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Can you update to our latest beta and let me know if the issue persists? Here's the link:
Jul 12, 2023  • #13
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Haven't been able to use this for a while but updated to the latest beta to test just for you guys :)

Alt tab in general seems a bit better, but if you mouse-over the alt tab preview window CPU utilization spikes from 0,3% to 11% (for comparison i'm playing Factorio multiplayer right now, and its only hitting 3-4% utilization)

moving mouse or right clicking over multi monitor taskbars also hits CPU with 6-8% extra cpu load
Jul 12, 2023  • #14
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for testing it out! Are you grabbing those numbers from the Task Manager > Details tab?

Do you notice any performance degradation?
Jul 12, 2023  • #15
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Yeah, taskmanager & others (attached). Currently I don't really have any workflows where I could naturally get the CPU closer to becoming a bottleneck to try to catch any impact systemwide, so I can only see it as #1 resource user with a decent margin in taskmanager any time I interact with it.

I've attached what little I can catch with procmon, resmon and perfmon.

Maybe globe spy37266 has more input as he is currently having the issue
• Attachment [protected]: resmon.jpg [199,635 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: tests.jpg [205,967 bytes]
Jul 12, 2023  • #16
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