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7 discussion posts
The windows built-in snipping tool app was recently updated, so the snipping tool loses focus behind other windows after taking a new screenshot. Forcing users to click the taskbar icon or Alt+Tab to see their screenshot. Super annoying...

However, with DisplayFusion also running... clicking the snipping tool's taskbar icon after a screenshot does not make the window re-appear. If I hold Alt+Tab or use mouse hover preview, I can see a preview of the Snipping Tool's window shown correctly. Selecting the window causes the snipping tool to vanish again.

Closing DisplayFusion restores access to the hidden (minimized?) Snipping Tool window.


Tested on Windows 11 Pro 22H2 22621.1413 with both DisplayFusion 9.9 and 10 beta 24.

So far I have tried uninstalling both DisplayFusion and Snipping Tool, then re-installing both.
Switched to beta, same issue.

Log attached.


My current workarounds:

1. Set Snipping Tool to autosave screenshots. I can take a screenshot, then close the invisible Snipping Tool window, and open the png from My Pictures/Screenshots.

2. Close DisplayFusion. Snipping Tool window re-appears.

3. Open Snipping Tool with DisplayFusion closed, take a dummy screenshot then leave the Snipping Tool open. Open DisplayFusion. When you take a second screenshot, the Snipping Tool window will duplicate and the second window will be accessable, while the first window (dummy screenshot) becomes hidden / unclickable.
This continues with each new screenshot, the previous windows remain on the taskbar but cannot be viewed. Only the most recent window is viewable.
• Attachment [protected]: [31,820 bytes]
Mar 28, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to reproduce this on my end, so I've added it to our list to look into.

Mar 28, 2023  • #2
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Justin Fleck24624
4 discussion posts
ANy idea if this is going to be fixed? I want to buy displayfusion but this bug is pretty annoying. Once it's fixed i will def purchase though
May 2, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The snipping tool seems to have some issues in the latest Windows Insider builds. Once Microsoft get's that fixed up we can have a look at it.

May 9, 2023  • #4
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7 discussion posts
Linked is my workaround. Pressing 'Print Screen' key now auto-launches the snipping tool in grabbing mode. Afterwhich, the image is both saved to Pictures\Screenshots and copied to the clipboard.

New workflow is way easier:
Print Screen > Drag Mouse Click > Paste into whatever
• Attachment: snipping_tool_settings.png [38,019 bytes]
May 9, 2023 (modified May 9, 2023)  • #5
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Justin Fleck24624
4 discussion posts
Please do let us know when its fixed. This issue is super inconvenient. The work-around above isn't great either
Jun 7, 2023  • #6
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1 discussion post
I have the same issue. This is pretty annoying. Is there a fix coming?
Oct 12, 2023  • #7
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Isaac J
2 discussion posts
This is affecting me as well. The workaround I have been doing is to use the snip tool on my primary screen. If it runs from there, it can be restored from the taskbar. If it's on either my 2nd or 3rd screen then it can't be restored. If I right click on the snip tool on the taskbar and click to move to next monitor untill it is on my Primary screen, then I can restore it from there. Please make this a priorty if possible, as it is very frustrating.
Oct 23, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like Microsoft has fixed the snipping tool on their end, so we'll re-open this for us to take a look into.

Oct 23, 2023  • #9
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Dustin Albright605915
2 discussion posts
Good to hear this is still in progress. I have been dealing with this since the Snipping Tool first updated. For any added information that helps, I often use the snipping tool simply to grab a screen shot of something so I can compare it to another thing on a different monitor. For example, I would have the GUI for two similar devices open in a remote session, so I'm limited to one screen remotely. I would screen shot some settings on device1 and move that to my second local monitor and then move over to device2 in the remote session. This works fine unless I minimze that snipping tool window, it will never maximize again and I have to close the snipping tool and start over. Also, if the snipping tool was opened on a secondary monitor, and I grabbed the screenshot, it will automatically minimize on the secondary monitor and thus be lost. Keeping the snipping tool open on the primary monitor and dragging it to whichever local monitor I need it to be on, while being careful not to minimize it, has been my workaround.
Nov 2, 2023  • #10
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Roxanne Clement
10 discussion posts
Am I glad I came across this thread; I thought I was going crazy.
Dec 4, 2023  • #11
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1 discussion post
Adding my voice as another user who is eagerly awaiting a fix for this.
Dec 7, 2023  • #12
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Isaac J
2 discussion posts

I just wanted to say that this is still an issue and ask if there is a fix coming for it.

Thank you.
29 days ago  • #13
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