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Ron Paschke SC76804
3 discussion posts
On Windows 11:
1) when I "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars", the DF start button does not work; and
2) when I click the Windows 11 start button, I can launch a pinned app - but the Windows start menu disappears when I right click a pinned app or when I select "All apps".
Oct 7, 2021  • #1
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1 discussion post
Run the beta 3 from... July of 2021. It will at least make the start button work. However, for me, the taskbar goes to some odd pink/purple color so it's ugly as sin. As well, you can't center anything, and the task bar looks just like the Display fusion one when run on Windows 10 which no longer matches windows..... I just started using this a few days ago, but it's clearly not ready for windows 11 even though the public beta's have been out for the last 6 months. As of now, I can't justify purchasing it for the 1 function I really wanted ( Monitor Dimming which is very limited - toggle only instead of selecting on/off by monitor/window ).
Oct 7, 2021 (modified Oct 7, 2021)  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

As Randy pointed out, those issues should be fixed up in our latest beta. We've just released a new beta the should fix up the visual issues as well.

Oct 7, 2021  • #3
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Ron Paschke SC76804
3 discussion posts
As Randy pointed out, those issues should be fixed up in our latest beta. We've just released a new beta the should fix up the visual issues as well.

Thank you, Beta 4 fixes both the start button and the appearance issues.
Oct 7, 2021  • #4
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1 discussion post

As Randy pointed out, those issues should be fixed up in our latest beta. We've just released a new beta the should fix up the visual issues as well.


No this does not resolve the issue, the win 10 start menu does not appear
Dec 21, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The comments above were to get the start menu working on DisplayFusion taskbars in Windows 11. Are you having troubles with your start menu in Windows 10?

Dec 22, 2021  • #6
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