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2 discussion posts
Windows 7, DF Pro v3.17

I have the clock gadget at the top-right of my secondary monitor set to 'Always on top'
When a maximised window is underneath that gadget, the DF titlebar buttons disappear.

This can be replicated without the 'Always on top' setting by pressing Windows-G with any gadget in the top-right corner and a maximised window on that monitor.
Feb 3, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thank you for the details, I'll check this out before the next release.
Feb 4, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately this isn't currently fixable because of the way DisplayFusion positions it's TitleBar Buttons. When another window is over-top of the TitleBar Buttons, they are hidden so that they don't accidentally appear in-front of the top window. It's not a perfect situation, and I'm looking to improve it for the 3.2 release, but for now it's the way it is. :(
Feb 18, 2010  • #3
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2 discussion posts
This is fixed in v3.18 - thanks!
Mar 14, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for letting me know. I put a lot of work into the TitleBar Buttons for this release, it's great to hear that it paid off. :)
Mar 14, 2010  • #5
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