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343 discussion posts
Jon, just occurred to me: In W7, you can add any file or directory to a "Library". Let's say you create a wallpaper Library. You can then add whatever you want to this Library, regardless of where it is on the hard drive. This is ideal for things like wallpapers.

Question: Have you looked into DF supporting Libraries? This will be big.
Jul 27, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I absolutely have, but I don't want to delay the 3.1 release any further. This is planned for 3.2. :)
Jul 27, 2009  • #2
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343 discussion posts
I absolutely have, but I don't want to delay the 3.1 release any further. This is planned for 3.2. :)

Ah, you're always one step ahead of me. :-D
Jul 27, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I gave some serious thought about working this into the 3.1 release, but I already had enough on my plate with the TitleBar Buttons and the Taskbar changes. :)
Jul 27, 2009  • #4
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22 discussion posts
I just want to add my vote to this wonderful idea! The more I use libraries on Seven, the more I like them.
Jul 27, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Nevember: Welcome to testing, and thanks for your quick feedback. :)
Jul 27, 2009  • #6
John L. Galt's profile on
Incidentally, creating your own libraries and even changing the icons from the defaults is dead simple.

I have multiple libraries created for folders that I access on a regular basis, as seen in the screen shot below, and I have the .XML files saved to an alternate location so that I can always copy them back on an OS reinstall, saving me the headache of having to manually configure them again and again when I reinstall W7 (usually b/c of a new build).
I am I.
• Attachment: Libraries.PNG [164,706 bytes]
Jul 30, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Libraries are an awesome new feature in Win7, no doubt about that. DF 3.2 will have full support for them. :)
Jul 30, 2009  • #8
John L. Galt's profile on
Kewl - If you have DF create its own library, then we could, as users, link to any folders that have images we wish to use as WP / rotating wallpapers - Great idea Ben!

Jon could even code it so that the library used its own icon and would store a copy of the .XML file as a backup in case someone were to do a system restore- then instead of having to re-setup the library and add the folders, a simply copy and *poof* everything is back as it was after the initial setup.

Ben, you've just given me an idea for (several) different applications that can also make use of these libraries in a similar fashion.
I am I.
Jul 30, 2009  • #9
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343 discussion posts
Kewl - If you have DF create its own library, then we could, as users, link to any folders that have images we wish to use as WP / rotating wallpapers - Great idea Ben!

Jon could even code it so that the library used its own icon and would store a copy of the .XML file as a backup in case someone were to do a system restore- then instead of having to re-setup the library and add the folders, a simply copy and *poof* everything is back as it was after the initial setup.

Ben, you've just given me an idea for (several) different applications that can also make use of these libraries in a similar fashion.

Group hug! :-D
Jul 31, 2009  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I agree with John, I think Libraries will be used in some cool new ways in future applications. I haven't quite worked out how I'm going to integrate libraries yet in 3.2. Right now I'm leaning towards just treating a library as a virtual folder, so you could add a Library to the list of "folders" that you want to use for the random image changer. This would be the easiest on my side, and would still take full advantage of the Libraries. Any thoughts?
Jul 31, 2009  • #11
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343 discussion posts
I agree with John, I think Libraries will be used in some cool new ways in future applications. I haven't quite worked out how I'm going to integrate libraries yet in 3.2. Right now I'm leaning towards just treating a library as a virtual folder, so you could add a Library to the list of "folders" that you want to use for the random image changer. This would be the easiest on my side, and would still take full advantage of the Libraries. Any thoughts?

I think at the very least being able to point DF to a 'virtual' Library folder would be a sweet addition. I do fear that the implementation of Libraries by MS will encourage people to be very sloppy about where they keep their files (for backups and such), but as it applies to DF... very cool. A DF user can right-click on an image anywhere on their computer and send it to a DF library of their choice. Can't wait!
Jul 31, 2009  • #12
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