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10 discussion posts
Jon, I've read that this is on your list -- any update?
Jan 13, 2011  • #1
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12 discussion posts
I'd like this too as well as right-click tasks similar to those in the right-click taskbar menus for Chrome, Firefox, and iTunes.

As it is I have the iTunes quick launch style shortcut on Windows 7 (as I did on Vista just a month ago before I upgraded to Windows 7) on my primary monitor, but I keep the iTunes window itself on my secondary monitor. It would be nice to have the 'launch iTunes' button on my secondary monitor, on my DisplayFusion taskbar.

I don't know how hard it would be to make DisplayFusion's taskbar behave like Windows 7's native taskbar, but I think the addition of native-style tasks and the pin to taskbar feature would be a great leap for DisplayFusion's development. I don't know if there's a Windows API in .NET for that or how good it is, since I've never programmed for .NET. I'm sure it would be challenging and I highly respect the progress you've made with DisplayFusion so far.

Attached is a screenshot of my current taskbar situation. Notice how I have iTunes open on my second monitor on the right while its icon sits unused on the left, just taking up space.

P.S. You probably don't remember my issue with "maximized window dragging between monitors" and the "monitor selector" a few months ago, but it's all working blazing fast after a fresh install of Windows 7 and a decent hardware upgrade to an AMD Quad Core Propus at 3.0 GHz instead of an Intel Core 2 Duo stock 2.4 GHz OC'd to 3.0 GHz running a cluttered Vista install. Anyway keep up the good work.
• Attachment: Start new topic - Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8.jpg [25,537 bytes]
Start new topic - Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8.jpg
Start new topic - Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8.jpg
Jan 15, 2011  • #2
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10 discussion posts
So I just checked the beta changelog and see your working on this for beta 12 -- can't wait! Thanks for all your hard work.
Jan 15, 2011  • #3
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12 discussion posts
Jon, I'm sure it's on the to-do list, but for the record, can you make the "Application Shortcuts" introduced in Beta 12 less like a quicklaunch bar and more like actual pinned apps, so that the icon merges with the actual window (see attachment)? You could keep the quicklaunch idea as a toolbar, but develop the feature further into full-fledged Jump List tasks and pinned apps. I understand Jump List tasks will be hard to implement, but maybe until then you can figure out how to merge program windows with the "Application Shortcut" icon. You probably have to figure out those Firefox/IE tab previews, first. I just want to give my opinions and ideas on what I'd like to see in the future. I'll keep recommending DisplayFusion to friends and clients, and probably buy a few more licenses for myself. Thanks so much for making great software.
• Attachment: itunes_shortchut.png [13,010 bytes]
Jan 20, 2011  • #4
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227 discussion posts
"Application shortcuts" if added are not visable if taskbar set to autohide; visable if not.
Jan 20, 2011  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@konimotsinui: Making this more like Win7 pinned apps is planned, but I had to start somewhere. :) FF/IE preview tabs are quite easy to do, jump lists are much harder.

@Pete: Thanks for the bug report, I'll fix it for Beta 13!
Jan 20, 2011  • #6
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