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4 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

Just got windows 7 installed and went searching for a new multimonitor taskbar. Found urs and tried teh demo. It seems to be performing perfectly. Just got a couple of suggestions / questions before I lash out :-)

My main question is if I buy this awesome program, is being able to pin icons to the second monitor taskbar going to be included in the near future? (I got burned once before buying a prog with the promise of a feature but they upped the number and I needed a new license :-()

I was also wondering if it was possible for an application on the second monitor to mimimize to its window not across to the main window?

My final suggestion which doesn't actually bother me because I hate the setting but others might like it :wink: Is can the taskbar items on the second monitor combine (ie only icons even when running) hard to describe but basically default windows 7 taskbar action.

Cheers Andrew
Feb 28, 2010  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
1. Jon will confirm this, but he is working on the pinning and combining issues.
2. The minimizing thing is a so so issue that is very hard to fix.

Lastly, from what I have heard Jon will NOT ever require a new version of DisplayFusion to have a new license. We have already gone over one major release, and I have had the same license the whole time.
Mar 1, 2010  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Thanks for your advice.
I was pretty confident that this would be the answers to my questions but there is only one way to find out. I'm sure Jon will confirm when he has a spare minute.

Shame that minimizing thing is hard, one of those things you don't notice the effect until it does it across your whole screen area!

Mar 1, 2010  • #3
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I wonder if you would actually go through a monitor it had no relation with....
Mar 1, 2010  • #4
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4 discussion posts
Not sure.. I only use two monitors but if you happened to have your start bar on the outer edge of three, yes I think it probably would as windows would be setup to handle it so everything minimizes to the start bar no matter what the arrangement.

So annoying that Microsoft didn't just make this all work..
Mar 1, 2010  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Let me see if I can cover all of your questions here:

- Pinning applications is planned, although I haven't set a specific release date for the feature yet.
- You never need to buy a new license with DisplayFusion Pro, it's a lifetime license. I could release version 6.0 tomorrow and you'd still be ok with your 2.0 license. :)
- Unfortunately it's not possible to control the window animations, so we're stuck with the animation always going to the main taskbar, sorry.
- Taskbar grouping is also something I plan to look at, but not until pinning is done.

Mar 1, 2010  • #6
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4 discussion posts

Sounds perfect! Can't wait for the pinning update but shall get a copy in the meantime :)

Mar 1, 2010  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for your support. :)
Mar 2, 2010  • #8
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