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Darrell Wright
1 discussion post
I have DisplayFusion 5.0 now, I was using 4.x before upgrading to Windows 8. The same problem has persist since upgrading to Win8. I will click on a DisplayFusion taskbar start button, but the Start8 menu appears on the primary monitor, not the one with the click event.

Is there a fix for this or should it even work?

Feb 13, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It definitely should work. Which version of Start8 are you currently running? You'll need Start8 1.11 for it to work, as they had to fix some stuff on their end as well.
Feb 13, 2013  • #2
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Aaron Giordano-Barry38524
2 discussion posts
i currently have a similar issue with start8 1.31 and displayfusion 6.0.0 beta 2. when i click on the start button on my secondary monitor, it opens the windows 8 menu and not the start menu like the primary start button does. thankfully it does it on the window the start button is on that you click, but i'd like it to open the start menu and not the windows 8 menu. any ideas / suggestions? thanks!
Feb 24, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Aaron: In the Start8 settings, make sure to set the Windows key to open the Start8 menu, and not the Start Screen. DisplayFusion has to send a Windows keystroke to invoke the Start menu, as a simulated mouse click doesn't work in Windows 8/8.1.

Hope that helps!
Feb 25, 2014  • #4
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Aaron Giordano-Barry38524
2 discussion posts
i bet that's what it is! i'll make sure that's the case when i get back to my desk. thanks again!
Feb 25, 2014  • #5
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