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Seth Jones' profile on
The background isn't being set properly while using Windows 8.1 for the logon screen. For example, if I log out it will use the default screen that comes with Windows 8. I do not know if this includes Windows 8 as well. I also experience it not setting the background at all (black or purple colored background), if I bypass the logon screen by automatically signing in. Any suggestions?
Oct 20, 2013 (modified Oct 20, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The lock screen wallpaper seems to work for me in Windows 8.1. Are you able to change it successfully using the built-in settings for it in Windows 8.1? If not, maybe one of the issues on this page might be causing the issue?
Oct 21, 2013  • #2
Seth Jones' profile on
My apologies, my Windows needs to be activated still. That's why it isn't working.
Oct 22, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad to hear you were able to find the cause!
Oct 22, 2013  • #4
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6 discussion posts
Keith - I have just upgraded to a new laptop running Windows 8.1 and I am facing this same problem. I have a Steam-version of Displayfusion Pro and when I installed it on the laptop, everything works fine just like it did on windows 7 except for the login / lock screen.

I currently have the settings so that the background will change once every day to a new Interlift wallpaper - and the lock screen is set to change as well.
(Under displayfusion > settings I have the following options checked off:

Windows 8.1 tab: the following are checked off
+ bypass the windows start screen
+ move the power user menu
+ enable mouse sticky corners

I don't see any separate settings for the lock "splash screen" and the lock screen where you actually enter your password - but the latter (where you enter password) is an ugly blue color that I was assuming was supposed to look like my desktop picture.

Is there any way you can help me troubleshoot this?
Dec 31, 2014  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's unfortunately not possible to set a background image on the screen where you enter your password :(

DisplayFusion can only customize the lock screen "splash screen" image, using the settings on the Settings > Windows Logon tab.
Dec 31, 2014  • #6
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