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Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 58xx with latest drivers from AMD for Windows 7, 64-bit

The card has 3 HDMI outputs, but I only have monitors connected to 2 of them

When hitting the "next monitor" titlebar button for a window on monitor 2, the window to moves to "monitor 3" and becomes invisible/difficult to access.

I've tried "Settings - Advanced Settings - General: Monitor Order = "1, 2", but that did not have any effect

Thanks in advance!
May 30, 2011  • #1
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Forgot to mention: using DisplayFusion Pro v3.3.1
May 30, 2011  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
If you check the Windows Display settings (right-click the desktop and choose Screen Resolution), does it show 3 monitors? If so, try clicking the third one and choosing "Disconnect the Display" from the Multiple Displays drop down list.

May 30, 2011  • #3
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Hi Keith!

When I bring up the Windows Display settings, it shows 2 displays (2 blue boxes, numbered "1" and "2").

If I click the "Detect" button, an additional gray box appears with the text "Another display not detected" inside.

If I select the grayed out display, the "Mutiple Displays" drop-down list defaults to "No display detected" with "Try to connect anyway on: VGA" twice below it. Don't see an option to "Disconnect the Display".

I've attached a screen shot (after pressing the "Detect" button), which will hopefully make things clearer.
• Attachment: Keith.jpg [99,325 bytes]
May 31, 2011  • #4
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Happens to me too. A radeon 6970. But that is not a Displayfusion issue. That's a displaydriver issue. I have a tv and 2 monitors. When the tv is switched off the card still detects the hdmi signal. If i switch the tv on it's the luck of the draw which screen becomes primary. Switching it off and sometimes i have to hunt for my opened windows. The button shows on real windows taskbar but clicking it makes the window open on the tv, which is switched off.

Usually opening the display Catalyst control applet resets everything. So i wrote a tiny app that does a video reset. Works most of the time.
May 31, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@petrossa: Interesting! I'll have to do some testing to see if there's any way we can workaround the issue in DisplayFusion.

@aacero: Can you email the info from the Troubleshooting tab in DisplayFusion to me at

May 31, 2011  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Got the log file. It shows this as being an attached:

I'm guessing that it probably stays attached, even when it's not. We're going to be adding a feature for the next version of DisplayFusion that will allow you to specify monitors to ignore. Keep an eye on the beta versions for the addition of the feature :)

May 31, 2011 (modified Jul 17, 2011)  • #7
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Well done! And a bit of a mystery. I do have Air Display installed, but it's not running. I'll try uninstalling it for now since I haven't been using it.

Many thanks!
May 31, 2011  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, no problem!
May 31, 2011  • #9
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Confirming: removing the Air Display Support driver fixed the phantom third monitor problem with DisplayFusion AND some weird behavior I was having with AMD Vision Control Center (which used to be the Catalyst stuff IIRC).

Thanks again!
May 31, 2011  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good to know, thanks for the follow-up!
May 31, 2011  • #11
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It's the same issue as with me then. The displaydriver detects the virtual screen. Attached or not. I use EnumDisplayDevices to get the current state of the display but admittedly that isn't very accurate.
Jun 8, 2011  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yes, if you go into the Windows Display settings, are you able to disconnect the non-existent display? Or does it not show up at all?
Jun 8, 2011  • #13
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Nope, it's either just greyed out or it doesn't show at all but still is floating in the system. Only when i pull the plug on the tv (Toshiba Regza, good standard one) does it completely disappear (no more on/off buttons, pisses off my wife no end :-D).

When the tv is in standby it's a 50/50 chance that the displaydriver will recognize it's altered state. Sometimes it just doesn't do anything, the tv was already there in it's opinion and i have to force a redetect, or it'll recognize it and changes state.

I've tried myself for my own home automation system to get it to work right but the only way i could get it to work using standard API calls was with a monitor resolution reset with null values.

That's not an option for DF since all monitors recalibrate.

Maybe just live with it is the best option.
Jun 8, 2011  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yeah. Crappy deal.

The good news is that we will eventually be including an option to explicitly exclude a specific monitor in DisplayFusion, so even if the monitor is registered as being attached to the system, you'll be able to exclude it from any of the DF functions.
Jun 8, 2011  • #15
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Good call. I never need the taskbar on my TV, i use an IR remote.
Jun 11, 2011  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can actually disable the taskbar on the TV right now if you like. Just right-click the taskbar and navigate to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Position > Disbabled.
Jun 13, 2011  • #17
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Jun 14, 2011  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
lol, no worries, we actually get that question a lot :)
Jun 14, 2011  • #19
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