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3 discussion posts
Hey, Firstly i love display fusion, never had any problems with it and it's a great program. I have a pro license and such.
So today i booted up my computer, and it came up with the automatic download and install for the update. So i did this and restarted after
However, on booting up, My screen went black and it states that windows was not genuine and asked me to get genuine now or continue. I continued and then sure enough, after getting through it, opened up my computer and checked and it had changed it to being genuine. Microsoft security essentials also stopped working until i told it to check the validity and then it started to work again.
I am 100% sure that my version of windows is genuine, and this is the first time it happened after rebooting the install for this update. I did nothing else before rebooting.
I havent tried rebooting again to see if this is a re occuring problem or just the one time install. So although it may not be a problem any more, it alerted me.
My computer specs, just incase.
Windows 7, 64 bit, Professional.
Intel core 2 E6750 @ 2.66ghz.
4Gb Ram.
Ati 5770 Graphics card.
Jul 5, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That is very strange indeed. Can you reboot again, or try a DisplayFusion re-install to see if it happens again?
Jul 5, 2010  • #2
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3 discussion posts
I've rebooted and the issue didnt occur again. It's just rather strange. Might just be my computer as it's strange somedays.
Jul 5, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That's good news. :) Please let me know if you run into any more issues.
Jul 6, 2010  • #4
John L. Galt's profile on
And while you're at it scan your machines thoroughly - just in case.
I am I.
Jul 8, 2010  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Another excellent tip, John, thanks! :)
Jul 14, 2010  • #6
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3 discussion posts
I normally keep my computer well defended but did do a full scan after you adviced but nothing came up on any of my antivirus's ect.
But thanks anyway. I guess it was just being weird.
Jul 14, 2010  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hopefully it doesn't happen again, best of luck! :)
Jul 19, 2010  • #8
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