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2 discussion posts
Hi there,

I've seen another old post on this discussion but didn't know if it's ok to resurrect that ancient thread. That's been said, I'm running windows 10 at the moment and this issue never occurred back when I was using win7 on this machine.

(dual monitor setup)
- move cursor on the monitor on the left
- hit windows key (everything's ok)
- move cursor on the monitor on the right
- hit windows key again (everything's ok)
- move the cursor on the previous monitor and hit windows key

notice: even though the cursor is on the monitor on the left, the start menu is opening on the monitor on the right and never switches back - start menu constantly opens on the monitor on the right now.

workaround to make the start menu to open back on the monitor on the left is to open the start menu WITH THE MOUSE CLICK on the monitor on the right, then when I switch back to the monitor on the left, hitting the windows key will open the start menu on the correct monitor.

I also attached the troubleshooting log to provide potentially useful information.
• Attachment [protected]: troubleshooting log.txt [159,818 bytes]
Jan 18, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I can reproduce this if I repeatedly press the Win key, but if I wait a few seconds between your steps 4 and 5, it moves back correctly. Does it make any difference for you if you wait longer?
Jan 19, 2017  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Hello again,

Yes, if I wait around ~5s it seems that the start menu will be opened on the correct monitor.
Jan 19, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, that's more or less expected. Because we can't hook the Start menu, we have to poll and wait for a timeout period before moving it back to the Primary monitor.
Jan 20, 2017  • #4
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2 discussion posts
Is it possible to make the start menu open in a fixed designated monitor? i.e always open start menu in monitor 1 even though mouse position is on monitor 2?
Jan 15, 2018  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There is an Advanced Setting that's supposed to do this, but it looks like it's broken in Windows 10 :(

I've added it to our list to fix up.

Jan 16, 2018  • #6
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There is an advanced options? :o
Jan 17, 2018  • #7
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Scott Brown
2 discussion posts
Where is this advanced option and has it been updated?
Aug 28, 2018  • #8
Alan Wade's profile on
There is an advanced options? :o
Where is this advanced option?

Right click on a DisplayFusion taskbar and select Options. In the box that opens look down at the bottom and you will see a link called Advanced Options - click that.
Aug 28, 2018 (modified Aug 28, 2018)  • #9
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Scott Brown
2 discussion posts
There is an advanced options? :o
Where is this advanced option?

Right click on a DisplayFusion taskbar and select Options. In the box that opens look down at the bottom and you will see a link called Advanced Options - click that.

Thank you. Where can I find this option to disable Windows key on other monitors.
Aug 28, 2018  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's the advanced setting called "Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu" but note that it's currently broken in Windows 10. This was a really old setting from when we first added multi-monitor taskbars in the Windows 7 days. I'll post an update here when we've fixed it up for Windows 10.
Aug 28, 2018  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Note that you can disable the Start menu from opening on the second monitor by right-clicking the DisplayFusion taskbar and navigating to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Start Button > Disabled. But of course, that will also remove the ability to open the Start button with the mouse on the second monitor.
Aug 28, 2018  • #12
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Josh Peterson31319
1 discussion post
Sorry to reply on this oldish thread, but I'm experiencing a similar issue...
The start menu opens on the correct screen, but when i begin typing to search it moves back to the primary monitor. I'm on Win 10 with DF 9.5... Thank you:)
Oct 25, 2019  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Josh: That's unfortunately expected. We're able to poll and move the Start menu, but the Search menu forces itself back to the primary monitor :(
Oct 25, 2019  • #14
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2 discussion posts
It's the advanced setting called "Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu" but note that it's currently broken in Windows 10. This was a really old setting from when we first added multi-monitor taskbars in the Windows 7 days. I'll post an update here when we've fixed it up for Windows 10.

Been a couple of years, is it going to get fixed any time soon?
May 21, 2020 (modified May 21, 2020)  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@phishingNetz: Can you clarify the issue you're running into?

May 22, 2020  • #16
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2 discussion posts
@phishingNetz: Can you clarify the issue you're running into?


The secondary start menu will still open on the secondary monitor, even when disabling it from the advanced option "Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu". This thread was describing how this option was broken for some time and it still seems to be.
May 22, 2020  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! That issue is still open on our list, if it's an easy fix we'll try and fit it in for 9.7.

In the meantime, if you don't want to use the Start menu at all, you can right-click in a blank spot on the DisplayFusion taskbar and choose Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Start Button > Disabled.

May 22, 2020  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Jun 12, 2020  • #19
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Chris Millensifer
1 discussion post
And here we are with DisplayFusion 9.9 Pro, 2 years later and I'm having the VERY same issue with the start menu ALWAYS appearing on the secondary monitor and NEVER on the primary monitor. I wish it would just appear on the primary only, always.
It should be noted that I see this behavior regardless of the Advanced Setting: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu.
Jun 6, 2022 (modified Jun 6, 2022)  • #20
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Jun 9, 2022  • #21
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6 discussion posts
Hey, I have this issue too. Windows 10. If I click the start menu on either monitor, it opens correctly. However if I press the start menu key on my keyboard, it always opens the left monitor (which is set in windows as my primary monitor), however I would like it to open whichever monitor the mouse is on, or, if not possible, perhaps always open on the right (non primary) monitor.

Is this possible?
Jul 5, 2022  • #22
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Jul 5, 2022  • #23
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6 discussion posts
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached


I've figured out what it is, if I press the win key the start menu opens correctly, but I have a habit of opening things using the search, I will press the start menu key then immediately type for example, CONT... to open control panel

As soon as I start typing, it's the search window that appears on the left monitor, not the start menu.

If you still need the troubleshooting let me know because I will have to close a bunch of stuff I don't want to share online
• Attachment [protected]: screenshot.png [548,700 bytes]
Jul 7, 2022  • #24
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah okay, thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do there, due to technical limitations, as mentioned in this post:
Jul 7, 2022  • #25
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