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22 discussion posts
I am running the most current beta on Windows 7 64bit with a dual monitor setup. In chrome, I put a flash video on my second monitor, make it full screen, and continue working on my other monitor. I was really annoyed that chrome kept opening on my second monitor so I set the windows location in displayfusion to open chrome on my primary monitor. Unfortunately chrome puts its full screen flash video's into a new window, which prompts display fusion to automatically move the full screen video, which distorts it, and just makes a mess. I found a workaround by using a hotkey to then switch the video back, but it doesn't work that well, the video is off and the controls aren't visible. I really don't want to disable the windows location, but I don't really have a choice at this point.

Side note: is there an option to have all windows open on my primary monitor, and not set them one at a time?
Mar 22, 2011  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
If you change the Chrome Window Location setting to "First Window Only" does this fix this issue?
Apr 6, 2011  • #2
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22 discussion posts
This does seem to fix the issue, but it is not ideal, as I would like all windows to be opened in the main window
Apr 15, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Makes sense. I've added the issue with the full screen flash videos to our list of Chrome compatibility issues to be fixed.

Apr 22, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We just released 3.3.1 Beta 11 today. Could you try it out and let me know if you're still having the issue with the Flash videos?
Apr 26, 2011  • #5
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22 discussion posts
sorry, wasn't notified about replies for some reason. well i'm on beta 12 and it seems to be working fine now, thanks
May 1, 2011  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear it!
May 2, 2011  • #7
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