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Joseph Tierney
18 discussion posts
If I'm watching a movie/show in Windows Media Player while it is not maximized, and I double-click it in the middle to full screen (theater mode)it, the "move to left monitor" and "move to right monitor" buttons I have setup stay in the same spot (which is now in the middle of the video).

The only way for this not to happen is if I click the actual maximize button next to the X.

Also, when you double-click the middle it goes into "theater mode", and the buttons in the top corner are supposed to disappear.
Oct 23, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am not able to reproduce this issue on my machine. What version of Windows and Windows Media Player are you using? Thanks!
Oct 23, 2009  • #2
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Joseph Tierney
18 discussion posts
I'm using Windows 7 and I'm guessing the latest version of WMP.

I've attached some screenshots...

df1.gif - Watching video in normal non-maximized screen.
df2.gif - After clicking in the WMP window twice for theater mode (you can see the buttons in the middle of the screen now, they didn't readjust/disappear like they should for theater mode.
df3.gif - After clicking the "maximize" button in the top corner, the buttons readjust accordingly.
df4.gif - After double-clicking in the WMP window AFTER clicking the "maximize" button in the corner (goes into theater mode), the DF buttons don't disappear as they should.
• Attachment: df1.gif [112,623 bytes]
• Attachment: df2.gif [460,800 bytes]
• Attachment: df3.gif [464,854 bytes]
• Attachment: df4.gif [461,936 bytes]
Oct 26, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the details! I'll have this fixed for the 3.1.6 release. :)
Oct 29, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you post the information from the Troubleshooting tab in the DisplayFusion Settings window? I'd like to check a few of your DisplayFusion settings. Thanks!
Nov 20, 2009  • #5
User Image
Joseph Tierney
18 discussion posts
--- Machine ------------
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7077.0
Operating System Version: 6.1.7077.0
Detected Version: Windows7
CPU: x86
Date/Time (UTC): 11/21/2009 00:07:40
Date/Time (Local): 11/20/2009 19:07:40
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.4918
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)

--- Wallpaper ------------
Wallpaper Span: False
Monitor #1 Image: {none}
Monitor #2 Image: {none}
Monitor #3 Image: {none}
Windows Wallpaper: {none}
Generated Wallpaper Folder: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion

--- DisplayFusion ------------
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v3.1.5
Build Date: Oct 14, 2009 12:52
Pro: True
Pro License: ...EKFT-7FF8-JTlsbGi/GwSGE...
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion
Performance Mode: False
Mouse Hooks: True
Application Hooks: True
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: False
Process Integrity Level: High
Font Scaling: 1

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 9, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 9, 0, 0
Size: 48,304 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx64.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 9, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 9, 0, 0
Size: 60,080 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook Exe ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook x86
Prod Version: 1, 5, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 5, 0, 0
Size: 92,848 bytes

--- Monitor 1 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1010}

--- Monitor 2 (Primary:True ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1010}

--- Monitor 3 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY4
Bounds: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1010}

--- Screens ------------
Count: 3
Point Min X: -1680
Point Min Y: 0
Point Max X: 3360
Point Max Y: 1050
Total Width: 5040
Total Height: 1050
ActiveDesktop: False

--- Screen 1------------
ScreenID: 0
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 2------------
ScreenID: 1
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 3------------
ScreenID: 2
Device: \\.\DISPLAY4
Bounds: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Managed Threads ------------
Count: 5
ID:3 ~ Name:TaskbarManager ~ Age:2.02:20:56.9118877 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TaskbarManager_1150f16b-f3ff-4059-9405-abccdef1b1b0
ID:5 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Age:2.02:20:56.9078875 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager_1aa6e654-66f4-4996-bc4a-3d5b6fd76d2c
ID:7 ~ Name:HookManagerProcess ~ Age:2.02:20:56.7568788 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerProcess_6b90f177-ac7e-4429-a6da-a5fd35534cbd
ID:10 ~ Name:TitleBarManager ~ Age:00:02:16.4738059 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TitleBarManager_632aa1ba-c065-4bfd-92b9-41f80a61a57b
ID:14 ~ Name:Hook:WM_LBUTTONDOWN ~ Age:00:00:00.0600034 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:Hook:WM_LBUTTONDOWN_ca559e67-9153-4398-9558-728f9d4252ec

--- FullScreen Applications ------------

--- Taskbars ------------
Enabled: True
Auto-hide: False
Visual Styles: True
Visual Styles Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: True
Opacity: 100
Flash Blink: True
Middle-Click Open: True
Window Options: WindowsShowsAll
Button Width Max: 60
Button Icon Size: 32
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Count: 2

--- Taskbar 1------------
Location: {X=-1680,Y=1010,Width=1680,Height=40}
Monitor ID: 1
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Bottom
TopMost: True
Buttons (1):
"StatsRemote 4.0.06 | 2009-11-20" (00030412:00030412:00030412 ~ Icon_Big ~ None ~ {X=-691,Y=0,Width=691,Height=404})

--- Taskbar 2------------
Location: {X=1680,Y=1010,Width=1680,Height=40}
Monitor ID: 3
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Bottom
TopMost: True
Buttons (2):
"Inbox - Thunderbird" (0004033a:0004033a:0004033a ~ Icon_Big ~ None ~ {X=1672,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026})
"µTorrent 1.8.4" (006c03de:006c03de:006c03de ~ Icon_Big ~ None ~ {X=1672,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026})

--- Deleted Items (0)------------

--- Taskbar Items ------------
"DisplayFusion Pro ~ Settings" (001a0346:001a0346:001a0346 ~ None ~ {X=464,Y=254,Width=751,Height=501})
"Inbox - Thunderbird" (0004033a:0004033a:0004033a ~ None ~ {X=1672,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026})
"Windows Media Player Double-Click Full Screen - Mozilla Firefox" (0019072c:0019072c:0019072c ~ None ~ {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026})
"µTorrent 1.8.4" (006c03de:006c03de:006c03de ~ None ~ {X=1672,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026})
"WindoCURE v1.00" (0056069c:0022071a:0056069c ~ DelphiOther ~ {X=425,Y=289,Width=830,Height=471})
"StatsRemote 4.0.06 | 2009-11-20" (00030412:00030412:00030412 ~ None ~ {X=-691,Y=0,Width=691,Height=404})

--- TitleBar Buttons ------------
Enabled: True
DisplayFusion Caption Button Size: {Width=35, Height=21}
System Caption Button Size: {Width=35, Height=21}
Count: 6
"Inbox - Thunderbird" (0004033a ~ {X=1672,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026} ~ {X=3184,Y=-2,Width=55,Height=20} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
"µTorrent 1.8.4" (006c03de ~ {X=1672,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026} ~ {X=3184,Y=-2,Width=55,Height=20} ~ Visible:False ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
"Windows Media Player Double-Click Full Screen - Mozilla Firefox" (0019072c ~ {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1026} ~ {X=1504,Y=-2,Width=55,Height=20} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
"WindoCURE v1.00" (0022071a ~ {X=420,Y=284,Width=840,Height=481} ~ {X=1075,Y=284,Width=55,Height=20} ~ Visible:False ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
"StatsRemote 4.0.06 | 2009-11-20" (00030412 ~ {X=-691,Y=0,Width=691,Height=404} ~ {X=-180,Y=0,Width=55,Height=20} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
"DisplayFusion Pro ~ Settings" (001a0346 ~ {X=459,Y=249,Width=761,Height=511} ~ {X=1091,Y=249,Width=55,Height=20} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
Nov 21, 2009  • #6
User Image
36 discussion posts
I had this problem sometimes but not stays like that after few secons it goes away, like the tittle button is very slow to keep up the windows aero taskbar, even moving the window around the tittle button is always behind. after you drop the window in some sport the tittle buton reach it and stay, but always one step behind almost like the effect of cursor mouse trails.
Nov 21, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Cylon: How much of a delay is there? Is it like 1-2 seconds, or less than half a second?

@jt321: Does the TitleBar Button eventually catch up with Media Player, or does it always stay right in the middle?
Nov 21, 2009  • #8
User Image
Joseph Tierney
18 discussion posts
It always stays in the middle if I double-click for full screen. It's like DF isn't registering that the screen has ever gone full size because it's used to the user clicking the Maximize button/double-clicking the title bar.
Nov 21, 2009  • #9
User Image
36 discussion posts
Between 1 and .5 of a sec.
Nov 21, 2009  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Cylon: This is to be expected unfortunately. Sometimes an application doesn't properly notify DisplayFusion when going fullscreen.

@jt321: I'm still unable to replicate this issue on my machines. I have seen the TitleBar Buttons hang around for less than a second in the middle, but then they disappear as they should. Can you try checking the "Pause System Hooks when a fullscreen..." setting in the DisplayFusion Settings window on the Options tab? Reboot, then give it another try? Thanks!
Nov 21, 2009  • #11
User Image
Joseph Tierney
18 discussion posts
I'll make a camtasia vid of it.
Nov 22, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That would be fantastic - thanks! :)
Nov 23, 2009  • #13
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. There are also beta versions available for testing the latest features and bug fixes:

Thanks! :)
Apr 13, 2010  • #14
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