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41 discussion posts
At least, not if one of your displays disappears and comes back. Which is common in the HDMI world.

For me, if i change my tv to another input - one display disappears [until i switch back to the right input]and windows are moved

For me, if i accidentally turn my stereo off - one display disappears [until i turn it back on] and windows are moved

For me, if the HVAC vent runs too much hot air onto my OTHER TV [i have 3 tvs as monitors] and it overheats and turns off to cool down -- so that display disappears, too, [until it cools off and i turn it back on - only happens in the winter actually, not the summer]

In none of these situations are the windows moved back when the display is restored, but that's not what this post is about.

This post is about how all the windows i painstakingly minimize to my system tray get thrown back on screen in this situation. It's always chrome. I have about 20 chrome windows and like to keep about 75% of them minimized to my tray at all times.

But alas, DisplayFusin un-does my work so often that i feel like Sisyphus. Except i'm pretty sure Sisyphus enjoyed pushing that boulder up the mountain over and over, but for me, the experience is a bit less pleasant 😅
Jun 16, 2023 (modified Jun 16, 2023)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to reproduce this issue here when I test on Windows 11. Which version of Windows are you on?
Jun 16, 2023  • #2
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41 discussion posts
I can't seem to reproduce this issue here when I test on Windows 11. Which version of Windows are you on?

Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19045.3086]
Jun 16, 2023  • #3
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41 discussion posts
I think this is a reflection of a broader problem that DisplayFusion doesn't seem to work with web browser in general right when it comes to detecting the windows.

I'm going mostly on gut feeling though. But gut feeling made of years of epxeirence.

I've noticed that save and restore window functionality.. just doesn't work right with browser windows. I don't know if the browser windows maybe identify themselves by the name of the current tab, so that if you are on a different tab, it's no longer considered the same window. Perhaps browser windows identify themselves in such a way that if the contents of the window changes, it can still be identified as the same window? I dunno. But both chrome and opera are problematic for me with both:

restoring window positions

not staying minimized in the tray

...But only when a display disappaers.

I have 4 displays:
1) vga - never disappears
2) hdmi to secondary tv - never disappears
3) hdmi to main tv - disappears if i switch to antoher input or turn the tv off or turn my stereo off
4) displayport - disappears if the tv is switched off but not if it's switched to another input

so there are varoius instances of monitors disappearing and reappearing

At some point support here had me set up an automatic saving of windows, and that's helped with about 80% of the troubles

But still not with opera and chrome

And I think it's perhaps the same root cause as this bug. Just seems like, DisplayFusion looses track of different browser windows, possibly because their titles change as we browse around. But they still are in fact a specific instance of the same window. If i put it in the tray, or in a spot on my desktop, it should, in theory, be respected the same as other windows. But in practice, it just doesn't seem that way.
Jun 16, 2023  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you attach a debug log for this issue?

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Jun 19, 2023  • #5
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