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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey folks,
Something that's really been annoying me. I'll open a program on monitor 2 and ask it to do something - it will pop up a window on monitor 1 asking if I really want to do it. It will then open a window on monitor 2 showing the progress and, when, finished will open a window on monitor 1 telling me that it's done. This is most common in Winrar and Quickpar. The constant back and forth is causing neck strain :-) Is there a way to stop this? I would prefer to have any accessory windows open on the same monitor as the main program (since that's where I'm probably looking for them).

Also, for some reason, when I run Grabit on monitor 2 the taskbar icon will only show on monitor 1 when the program is minimised. The moment I bring focus to the program the taskbar icon moves to monitor 2 (until I minimise the program again).

Is there a reason for this constant back and forth?

DisplayFusion 4.0.0. beta 11
Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

Mar 31, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've tested and confirmed the issue with the Grabit taskbar button.

As for WinRAR and QuickPar, could you try it without DisplayFusion running to verify whether or not it's related to DisplayFusion?

Apr 2, 2012  • #2
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
I disabled DisplayFusion and rebooted and the results were 50/50 (ish)

QuickPar still insisted on opening on monitor 1 so I guess that's a programming oversight on their part. Interestingly, when I set DF to force it (and all child windows) to open on monitor 2 it opens on mon 1 and then quickly switches to mon 2.

With DF disabled WinRar 4.0 64 bit behaved as I expected it should. All child windows opened on the same monitor as the main program. Moving the main program from one monitor to the other resulted in child windows opening on the new monitor. Subsequent running of the program opened on whichever monitor was used last. Perfect. Then I re-enabled DF and rebooted and the ping pong is back. The main window opens on the proper monitor (mon 2), the extraction path and options window opens one mon 1, the active extraction window opens on mon 2 and the "Do you wish to delete the unpacked archive" window opens on mon 1.

Apr 3, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, and do you have any Window Location rules setup for WinRAR?
Apr 3, 2012  • #4
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
Nope, no location rules for WinRar.

Apr 4, 2012  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, did this only start happening with 4.0 Beta 11? Could you try 3.5 Beta 8 and 3.5 Beta 10 from the links below to see if the same behaviour occurs?

Apr 5, 2012  • #6
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
I'm guessing you have an idea what the problem is :-) Beta 8 opened the windows properly, beta 10 started ping ponging them again.

Apr 5, 2012  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for confirming! We made a bunch of behind the scenes changes to the taskbars for Beta 9 and 10, so it looks like your issue has something to do with those, now we just need to figure out what :)

I haven't run into any issues using WinRAR. Which version of WinRAR are you using?
Apr 9, 2012  • #8
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
WinRAR 4.00 64bit
Win 7 Home Premium 64bit

Apr 9, 2012 (modified Apr 9, 2012)  • #9
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
I upgraded my WinRAR to 4.11 and DF to 4.0.0. beta 12 and the problem seems to have gone away. I don't know which solved the problem as I upgraded both at the same time. So I guess this closes the file unless the problem reappears for someone else.

Thanks for your help
Apr 9, 2012  • #10
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Although, if it makes you feel better, Quickpar still prefers monitor 1 :-)

Apr 9, 2012  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah excellent, glad to hear it's working now! Quickpar did the same thing with DisplayFusion not running, right?
Apr 10, 2012  • #12
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Lol, yes that's true. I guess that it's not your problem then :-)

Apr 10, 2012  • #13
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Kill me, kill me now. I just installed AnyDVD HD and the problem with WinRAR is back. Maybe I should buy a Mac LOL

Apr 11, 2012  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! I've even installed AnyDVD and still don't run into any issues with WinRAR. Does exiting DisplayFusion still fix it up? If so, could you try adding a Compatibility rule in DisplayFusion to have it not load application hooks for WinRAR? Detailed instructions here:

Apr 11, 2012  • #15
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Rob Burgess
27 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
I'm giving up on this, there's no rhyme or reason to what's happening.

I disabled DF, rebooted, and WinRAR worked as expected.

I enabled DF and disabled AnyDVD, rebooted, and WinRAR worked as expected

I enabled AnyDVD (DF still enabled), rebooted, and WinRAR worked as expected.

This problem seems to come and go randomly. If you have any ideas about how to narrow this down please let me know because I'm completely confused at this point. It'll probably turn out to be the display driver and have nothing to do with DF.

Apr 11, 2012  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Man that's weird. Unfortunately I can't offer any advice, as I've never run into this issue before :(

If I ever do, and I can find a solution, I'll be sure to let you know!

If you do find a solution, I'd love to know what it is!
Apr 11, 2012 (modified Apr 11, 2012)  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update regarding Grabit. It's taskbar button should now stay on the correct taskbar in DisplayFusion 4.0 Beta 15.

Apr 24, 2012  • #18
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