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Travis Manzer
9 discussion posts

I got a new PC and want to export my windows position profiles from my old PC to my new PC.

So I exported my settings from the old DF, then Restored settings on the new version. (I've done this twice now)

But on the new DF windows position never show from the old DF.

Thanks in advance.

V. 9.9Pro
Mar 15, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Travis,

Are you restoring the settings via the DisplayFusion Settings > Options > Restore Settings button, or are you double clicking the .reg file?

Mar 15, 2023  • #2
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Travis Manzer
9 discussion posts
Mar 15, 2023 (modified Mar 15, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Travis,

If you exit DisplayFusion and load the .reg file directly by double clicking it, and then start DisplayFusion, does that work?
Mar 15, 2023  • #4
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Travis Manzer
9 discussion posts
That Worked! Thank you!

Here is an issue I have now.

I use vmware vdi and I use teams outsie of that vdi.
I also have a 49" ultrawide screen that I normally have the vdi on,
Then I have teams on a 15" monitor.

But when I do a screen share I shrink the vdi to half it's size and put the teams chat window next to my vdi on the ultrawide screen.

I have 2 profiles for this.
1. is called "Share" this shrinks the vdi to half it's size and put the teams chat window next to my vdi on the ultrawide screen.

Right now the vmware will not shrink and both the chat window as well as teams move over to the ultrawide screen. I do not want teams to move.

2. "Work" This nearly expands vmware to most(about 85%) of the ultrawide screen. It doesn't need to close the chat window as I normally close it.

This profile works as needed.
Mar 15, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
1. It looks like you disabled the Window Text match condition on your teams entry. The chat and main window both run under the same process/window class, which is why it catches both. Can you try enabling just the Window Text match condition and disabling the other two, and see if that works?

The Window Text is a contains match, so if you have multiple chat windows you want it to catch, for example "Chat Window 1", "Chat Window 2", and "Chat Window 3", setting the match condition to "Chat" will match to all of them.

2. That's strange the VM window works for expanding but not shrinking. If you use one of our other functions, like the "Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%" function on that window, does it work?
Mar 16, 2023  • #6
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Travis Manzer
9 discussion posts
Hello again,

After rebooting the VM now shrinks as it should.

As for Teams, both the Teams window and chat window shows "March All IT Meeting | Microsoft Teams)"Example)

Is there any other way to only move the chat window?
Mar 16, 2023  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah okay, I don't think there's a way around that if all 3 match conditions are the same unfortunately :(
Mar 17, 2023  • #8
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