3 discussion posts
Well 3.1.5 is turning out to be a big giant thing, each day with more thing cram into the change log. Anyway not a top priority, but you know how win 7, when you drag the windows to the side, it re-size itself to half of the screen. This works great, but it doesn't work at the border between the two monitor.
DF has the snap function, and it detects when a windows is near the center between the two screen, I was just wondering could this function be adapt to make window automatically re-size when a window is drag to the border between the two screen?
I know it is kinda confusing to explain, but I hope you know what I am talking about.

3 discussion posts
Thank you I didn't even know those option existed. However, if you could please consider the dragging style of windows 7 in your future release, I feel that it is much more natural than the button. But man great work!
By the way: a minor bug, the button doesn't work when the window is in a maximized state.
@ichle: Thanks for the Windows tips!