120 discussion posts
Seem like Windows snapping option is not fully compatible with windows, which border style is ToolWindow.
I have display configuration like on screen shot 2.
A problem is with DAW Reaper. It's windows (for, example, undo history like on screen shot 1) not snapping to taskbar (neither windows, nor DF's) and not snapping to left and right borders of secondary display.


Is it only this one application (DAW Reaper) that is having the snapping problem, or are other applications having the problem as well?

120 discussion posts
The problem is with only Reaper.
I tried also miranda with toolwindow style and my own test app - it's all right.

120 discussion posts
Oh, I found another one - Light Alloy video player. It doesn't snap to left and right sides of secondary monitor.
Thank you, I'll check these out before Beta 9.
I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that Light Alloy uses completely custom window messages, and DisplayFusion can't detect the necessary messages to perform window snapping. However, Light Alloy can do it's own window snapping just enable this in it's Settings window. The good news is that I have fixed the Reaper tool windows and they now snap correctly. Look for these updates in the upcoming Beta 9. Thanks!