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7 discussion posts
I have been having a peculiar problem with my desktop theme and am trying to isolate what is causing it. Given that Desktop Fusion does monkey around with the theme settings, I thought I'd see if anyone else is having the same issue.

My desktop theme is set to be a slideshow with a custom soundscheme and such using Windows 7 (Pro x64). I also have Desktop Fusion so I can have a toolbar on the bottom of my additional monitors.

The problem is that every time I log off, when I log back on, the desktop theme is reset to whatever wallpaper was being displayed last, and the soundscheme and screensaver all reset as well. Furthermore, some of my tray icon customizations seem to reset, but that really only seems to affect a single app, which I have recently stopped using.

Is this something that Display Fusion is doing, or do you think it might be something else? I have tried diagnosing it myself, but thus far am clueless. Is there a setting in Display Fusion that I am missing?

Any help would be appreciated.
Aug 17, 2010  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
turn of displayfusion and see? seems like a logical first step.
Aug 17, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I agree with Kevin, try running without DisplayFusion for a few days and see if the issues still occurs.
Aug 17, 2010  • #3
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7 discussion posts
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I tried that, but have gotten intermittent results sometimes -- seems to matter, sometimes not. Thus, I am sort of at a loss.

It's hardly the end of the world, but I am simply tying to figure it out.

Sorry for being so dumb and not mentioning that in my first post. :-P
Aug 18, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
If you still experience the issue without DisplayFusion running, it would suggest something else is at fault. :( DisplayFusion doesn't install any drivers or background services, so if the application is closed it won't have any impact on your system. I would start looking at what else you have installed recently or any driver updates that did or could do. :)
Aug 18, 2010  • #5
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7 discussion posts
Thanks for the responses nonetheless. I do sincerely appreciate it.

Oh, and for what it is worth, I LOVE Display Fusion -- that extra toolbar is simply something that I couldn't live without.
Aug 18, 2010  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm glad to hear it, I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)
Aug 18, 2010  • #7
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