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Mark D Valpreda
1 discussion post
Brand new machine, go through and start installing my software and get to DisplayFusion and all looks well. I use Win+R a lot and I notice instead of it being in the lower left corner, it's dead in the middle of monitor 1. I noticed the Windows shutdown box is dead in the middle as well. The Windows shutdown doesn't bother me, but the Win+R does. I tried to uninstall and it does the same thing.

I have this on another machine with the latest version and it does not do this. I am on the latest beta on Windows 7x64.

Is there a way to reset that Window position somewhere?
Nov 8, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We conversed via email, but I figured I'd post the solution in this thread as well. The problem persisted even after uninstalling DisplayFusion, and it turned out that the ATI drivers were causing the issue. Disabling the "Enable Desktop Manager" option in the ATI CCC resolved the issue.
Nov 12, 2013  • #2
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