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3 discussion posts
Alt+tab works great, finally I could get rid of the horrid behaviour where EVERY window from multiple monitors show up on alt+tab list on primary screen. My God.

But Win+tab is not working as needed. It only shows programs on primary monitor. So now I am not able to drag'n'drop programs on second monitor to Desktop 2.

Any ideas?
Thank you
Nov 15, 2022  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This issue is currently on our list to fix up. For some reason, windows that have been removed from the Primary taskbar (like ones that have been moved to a DF taskbar) don't register in Task View any more. There is a workaround, which is to set the Taskbar Mode on the Settings > Taskbar tab to "Windows taskbar shows all windows..." It's definitely not ideal, but hopefully a decent compromise until we can find a way to fix it up in the future :)
Nov 15, 2022  • #2
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Priye Computer
1 discussion post
Hello Developers,

Is there any update on this? The inability to use "win+tab" the way it was intended with Display fusion is quite annoying in otherwise great utility. Like you said, the "Windows taskbar shows all windows..." option fixes the win+tab behaviour but now I am not able to seperate apps on their respective taskbar monitors.
Aug 10, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately not, no. Windows still removes apps from Win + Tab and other Task View related functions if they don't have a button on the Windows taskbar. It's not something we can fix from our side currently.
Aug 11, 2023  • #4
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