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Globe Spy
23 discussion posts
I have a profile saved for my triple monitor setup which is separate from my desk monitor.
DF seems to have no issues switching from the desktop monitor to the triples, correctly disabling the desktop monitor during the process.
For whatever reason, DF refuses to honor the parameters of the saved profile, always choosing the right hand side monitor in the triples config as the primary. There's no other issues, the monitors are in the correct configuration from left to right as per my profile, but it's becoming annoying to have to keep manually changing the primary as from the right monitor to the center monitor on the triples config.
I have tried deleting the profile and creating a new one, but the same thing happens every time I switch to the profile.
All 3 triple monitors are identical make/model# and all connected directly (no switches or adapters, just single cables from monitor to GPU) to an RTX 4090 via display port. All DP cables are the same Ultra High Speed DP 1.4 HBR3 cables.

Any ideas how to resolve?

System is running latest Win 11 22H2 'moment 3' (OS Build 22621.1778)
Jun 4, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you load the profile twice, does the correct monitor get set as the primary on the second load?
Jun 5, 2023  • #2
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Globe Spy
23 discussion posts
If you load the profile twice, does the correct monitor get set as the primary on the second load?

Very interesting! Yes, it does go to the correct monitor on the second load of the same profile!
Why? And how to fix?

I found some posts where people found resolution in this known issue by trying the Beta. I will try the latest 10.1 beta 4 and report back

Same problem exists on the latest Beta 4. Hope you guys figure this out.
Attached is the log you will need - first initiated the triple monitor profile 1:39 and applied a second time 1:40 and then back to my single screen desktop.
• Attachment [protected]: [141,294 bytes]
Jun 5, 2023 (modified Jun 5, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah we had another customer mention something similar, I'll add your info to our notes and let you know if we're able to get it fixed up.

Jun 6, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some further changes. Can you update, recreate your profiles, and see if the issue persists?
Aug 3, 2023  • #5
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