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With a multi-monitor setup, moving the mouse cursor to separate screens can be cumbersome. DisplayFusion has several Functions which more efficiently handle movements of the mouse cursor. This document explains these Functions and how to make quick use of them through HotKeys and TitleBar buttons.
The Mouse Cursor Functions are located in the Functions tab of DisplayFusion's settings. To navigate there:
Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and click "Settings."
Tray Menu - Settings
Then click the "Functions" tab.
This Function locks the mouse cursor within the borders of the application window. Running the Function a second time unlocks the mouse cursor for broader movement.
This Function locks the mouse cursor within the borders of the monitor. Running the Function a second time unlocks the mouse cursor for broader movement.
This Function moves the mouse cursor to the centre of the currently-focused application window.
This Function moves the mouse cursor to the centre of the monitor the mouse cursor is currently on.
This Function will prompt you to select a monitor to which the Mouse Cursor will move. After choosing a monitor, the mouse cursor will move to its centre.
This Function moves the mouse cursor to the centre of your primary monitor.
By default, this is the monitor marked with a "1" in the Monitor Configuration settings, though another monitor can be made primary by selecting it and clicking "Set as Primary."
Set as Primary
This Function moves the mouse cursor to the same relative location on the next monitor.
This Function moves the mouse cursor to the same relative location on the previous monitor.
  • To add your Function to windows as a TitleBar Button, select the Function from the list and click "Add TitleBar Button." The "Enable TitleBar Buttons" checkbox must be enabled.
    TitleBar Button
  • The button will display in the mock TitleBar near the bottom of the Functions tab window. Drag the button to reorder it. To edit the button style, select the edit icon.
    TitleBar Button
  • Choose the Image Set and Image from the dropdowns, then click "OK."
    TitleBar Button
  • To apply and save your changes, click "OK."
  • To create a HotKey for your Mouse Cursor Function, double-click the Function in the list or select it and click the "Edit" button.
    Edit Function
  • Select any desired modifiers, and type the key in the text field you want for your HotKey. Click "OK."
  • To apply and save your changes, click "OK."
Aug 14, 2014 (modified Aug 15, 2022)  • #1
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