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1 discussion post
I am using Photoshop in a multi monitor setup - a large screen for layouts and a small Wacom screen for painting. It was an absolute annoyance, that all Photoshop subdialogs save their positions, and so constantly open on the wrong screen. So I was looking for a tool to fix this.

So I found displayfusion, and though the fix for Photoshop is the only thing I really need, I am absolutely impressed by this program and its features. For me, it looks like you really love your work and have thought about every need a customer could have. Though supporting a sheer endless amount of options, it is absolutely easy to understand at the first glance - a really brilliant, pretty and clean user interface*. And all this for such a low price and a life-long license! And everything else is also just perfect: Instant payment without problems and a friendly and alive bbs. Definitely, this is one of the best programs I have ever seen.

So chapeau and thank you to the team!

*I am an interface designer by trade... so this should be a serious praise ;)
Nov 7, 2013 (modified Nov 8, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, that's great to hear! Thanks for the kind words, and please let us know if there's every anything we can help with :)

Nov 8, 2013  • #2
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