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Carey Sundberg's profile on
In Windows 11 I have Multi-Monitor Taskbars enabled and Taskbar Mode set to 'All taskbars show relevant windows'. When I click the Start Button on the DF taskbar (on 2nd monitor) the Start Menu will open only on the Primary Monitor (with the Windows Taskbar).

Does anyone know of a setting that will open the Start Menu on the additional monitor? The fix I used on a prior discussion on my work computer doesn't work now on my personal computer - which stopped working, so I am looking for how to do it now.

Prior discussion:
DF Pro 10.0 (Beta 22)
Windows 10 Enterprise (21H2) [19045] (Work Laptop)

Thank you,


DF Pro 10.1 (Beta 6)
Windows 11 (22H2) [22621.1992] (Personal Computer)
Jul 29, 2023 (modified Jul 29, 2023)  • #1
Carey Sundberg's profile on
Once again I found the source of the issue this time around. DisplayFusion.exe had somehow gotten set to 'Run in Compatibility Mode - For Windows 8'. I don't think I did that, but perhaps some troubleshooter I ran caused it.

I turned that setting off and restarted DF. Not only did it solve the subject issue, but the DF taskbar is again 100% opaque.

Maybe this will help someone.

Jul 30, 2023  • #2
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