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68 discussion posts
Hey there,

For some reason after I upgraded to beta 15 a couple days ago, DisplayFusion kept freezing. Now that I upgraded to beta16 hoping that it would fix the issue, I kind of came out dissapointed :(
To be honest, I have no clue as to what is causing DF to crash. So help would be appreciated! :)

Thanks in advance,
Apr 28, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Does it freeze/crash when you're doing anything in particular?

Could you enable "Loggin: Important Only" on the Troubleshooting tab, and then the next time it occurs, attached the %APPDATA%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file here? You can find the debug log by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab as well.

Apr 29, 2012  • #2
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68 discussion posts
Ofcourse I can, might be a few days as am going out though...
Also, I have reason to believe it might be related to EA Origin, as it seems to occur mainly when that is loaded. I'll see what happens if I disable the app hooks and such for it next time I need it!
Apr 29, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good, just keep me posted :)

Apr 30, 2012  • #4
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1 discussion post
Did you get to track down the culprit? I've been experiencing random crashes while playing games, mostly when EA origin is open as well. And I just upgraded Display Fusion to 4.0.
May 6, 2012  • #5
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I blame Origin, but I haven't had alot of time to play lately :( But I did notice that whenever Origin launches, DisplayFusion goes funny... As in the taskbar starts behaving weird, blinking on window dragging and stuff like that. Though that only occurs when Origin launches wrong...
May 6, 2012 (modified May 6, 2012)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you guys give the newly released 4.0.1 Beta 2 a try from the link below? We've hopefully gotten these hanging/crashing issues fixed up now.

May 9, 2012  • #7
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Will do! :)
May 9, 2012  • #8
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From my initial testing just now it seems stable. Test was about 2hrs of Mass Effect 3, which before made it freeze. So it seems to have worked :)

I did however find another bug now though :( the DisplayFusion taskbar no longer seems to blink/update the icons when windows does... And also seems to ignore custom java icons (and makes gitk look like a genies lamp :D)
May 10, 2012 (modified May 10, 2012)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it's stable now! We've just released Beta 3, could you try it out and let me know if you're still having issues with the taskbar buttons not blinking? I've tested it out and I don't seem to have any issues there.

I'll check out the gitk icon issue. We changed the logic for loading the icons, so some may be different than before, but they should match the Windows taskbar. Do they not?
May 10, 2012  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've split the gitk issue to a separate topic, and I'll mark this one as completed for now. If either of you guys still have freezing/crashing issues in 4.0.1 Beta 3, please let me know.

May 10, 2012  • #11
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68 discussion posts
The icon blinking is fixed btw! :)
May 10, 2012  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it :)
May 10, 2012  • #13
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68 discussion posts

Seems the bug has returned... This time most likely related to photoshop CS5 I think...

forgot the log file :P
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [6,861,430 bytes]
May 15, 2012 (modified May 15, 2012)  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the updated log! Would you be able to set the debug logging level to "Logging: Detailed", and then send me a new copy of the log the next time it crashes?

May 16, 2012  • #15
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68 discussion posts
If I get it to crash again: ofcourse I will! :)
May 16, 2012  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks!
May 16, 2012  • #17
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68 discussion posts
I've got it to freeze again... :(
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [2,134,524 bytes]
May 19, 2012  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for the log! We've just released 4.0.1 Beta 4. Could you give it a try when you have a chance and let me know how it works out?

May 22, 2012  • #19
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As it hasn't occurred for quite a while now, I think it's safe to say that is gone :)
Jun 5, 2012  • #20
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68 discussion posts
Bad news :(
Seems it just froze again... (on 4.1.0 Beta 5)

seems I can't upload the log file though?!
Jun 21, 2012 (modified Jun 21, 2012)  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hi all,

DisplayFusion 4.1 Beta 6 ( is now available, and we're very confident that we've fixed up the issues with DisplayFusion hanging/crashing.

Since there are some people who have been running fine already with earlier betas, and some who are still having issues with DisplayFusion hanging/crashing in Beta 5, I've started a new topic for the results of the Beta 6 testing.

I'm going to lock this topic, so if anyone who's still having hanging/crashing issues with Beta 5 could update to Beta 6, and then post the results in the topic mentioned above, that would be much appreciated :)

Jun 22, 2012  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hi all,

We just found a bit of a show-stopping bug in Beta 6, so we've had to pull it for now. We'll be fixing it up, and hopefully will have Beta 7 posted soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Jun 22, 2012  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, last update to this thread :)

We've now posted Beta 7, so for anyone who still has hanging/crashing issues, please give it a try and post the results in this new topic:

Jun 22, 2012  • #24
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