Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
DF v4.0.1
Win7 64bit
3 monitors
Things were fine until the most recent update, however now I'm experiencing the things mentioned in the title.
As soon as I kill display fusion, things go back to normal. That is, no hanging, no non-responsive mouse clicks on the taskbar, etc.
I'm running three monitors with the taskbars set to display the apps on the specific monitors.
I'm also seeing the icons that normally appear on the main monitor (sound, network, battery, etc) next to the time, these are appearing on the other taskbars, but they are disappearing, then coming back, randomly. It'll go off of one, but another monitor will have it, then they'll switch, all will be on, off, etc.
I know this isn't the best bug report, but if there's some specific information you need to help, please let me know.
May 31, 2012 (modified May 31, 2012)
No worries, thanks for letting us know!
If you right-click the DisplayFusion taskbars and navigate to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > System Tray > Show/Hide Icons, to disable the tray icons, do you still run into the performance issues?
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
Thanks for the VERY quick reply Keith!
After about 90 seconds, I get the menu for the right click. I've attempted to click the menu option you suggestions, but nothing appears to have changed. I then tried the "Disable" option on that menu list and that didn't appear to change anything either.
Also of note, the process isn't using any abnormal amount of CPU/RAM.
It seems that things are just in some sort of loop in drawing the taskbars, after about 90 seconds, whatever update should of happened, is then updated on the taskbars. But it's still in that "loop".
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
Ok, I did as you said, editing the reg key.
However, after I reloaded DF... the problem isn't there anymore and I can't get it happen again.
Prior to that, I could close DF down (no processes for it running), reload it and it'd be messed up every time (did this probably 15 times testing things).
I'm trying to think what would be different as the only thing I did.. was go to lunch. heh
Currently though, things are working as expected (although the icons on the DF taskbars are a bit blurry, but that's another (trivial) issue).
If it breaks again (maybe after a reboot), I'll attach the log for you.
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
Ok, I am able to somewhat reproduce this.
The problem appears anytime my system is doing something... intensive. Although not really, I have plenty of RAM and CPU free when it happens, but my system is say loading a webpage that takes a bit to load ( for example.
Basically, anytime something else is doing something, the task bars don't function. Once whatever else is done, then they start to work again. Its even happening while I'm typing this message.
CPU is going between 2%-30% and ram is at 52% physical usage.
The primary standard windows taskbar continues to function as it should when this is happening.
** UPDATE **
Ok, I found the problem. As usual, its McAfee.
I've been watching the task manager while these hangs happen and when they happen, McAfee is using about 20-25% of the CPU, although the overall CPU usage is still only at 32% or so.
But it is tied to that for sure.
It's McAfee Enterprise BTW.
I can send you the log, but I'll need a private way to do so as this is a corporate machine and I probably shouldn't list running tasks and whatnot for the public.
Faruk Brbovic1
3 discussion posts
I have the same problem , any solution ?
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
I'm attaching the log now.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [1,690,907 bytes]
Thanks Troy! As another test, would you be able to try setting the DisplayFusion.exe process to High Priority, and the McAfee process to Low Priority? We might have an idea as to what's happening, just want to confirm.
No worries, it's still a good test, so if you could do it on Monday, that would be fantastic.
Faruk Brbovic1
3 discussion posts
Same issues , I tired setting the priority and that didn't help.
log attacheed,
This is making display fusion unusable , any ideas on how to fix it ?
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [1,593,380 bytes]
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
Same issue for me:
I am using Windows 7 64-bit
Since I am using 4.0.1, it always hangs, i.e. I cannot open displayfusion anymore, I have to kill the process
I have tried 4.1.0 Beta1, same results.
Please provide a link to download 3.4.1 because 4.0.1 is pretty much unusable for me.
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
I have upgraded my graphic card (ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series) to the latest Catalyst Control Center 12.1 and the issue does not seem to be reproducible for me anymore...
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
I attempted to change the process priority, however it looks like that might be locked down via the MS policy server info. So, as this is a corporate machine, and even though I have admin on it, that's locked away from my ability to change it. Sorry about that, not much I could do about it (100,000 employees here, they won't listen to me to open it up for a test. =) ).
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
Actually despite what I said in my previous post, I still have the issue (using 4.1.0 Beta 1) . Attached is the DisplayFusion.log file
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [4,229,648 bytes]
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
Just tried 4.1.0 Beta 2, issue still happens. Attached is the log file.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [3,077,945 bytes]
I've made some excellent progress today on this issue. Can you follow-up once Beta 3 has been released tomorrow (Thursday)? Thanks!
Faruk Brbovic1
3 discussion posts
Tried the beta 3 and system is little bit smoother but it still hangs.
Can we get a link to the old working version, so I can install that ?
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
I've installed the latest beta and so far, no issues. I haven't gotten to the amount of crap I usually have running yet today though, no idea if that matters or not. But as I said, so far, so good!
Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
I have had similar problems, although the effect has been more drastic. However I have not reported them until now because I am completely unable to provide any diagnostic information when it happens. But Jon may be able to get a feeling about where the problem is if I describe it.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit with two screens (Quadcore i7 cpu).
- system apparently becomes completely unresponsive - except the mouse which still moves but clicks seem to have no effect
- after 10 seconds there is a white flash on both screens after which they become greyed out (a sort of half glare on both screens).
- both task bars eventually disappear, sometimes the icons as well - but all in ghastly slow motion.
- at first I became frustrated and switched the damned thing off.
- this is no good because on a restart the condition reappears after about 30 seconds.
- even if I restart in safe mode and restore to an earlier time , the condition will reappear when I attempt to start normally.
What I eventually discovered is that everything is slowed down to perhaps 1000th of its normal speed, but that mouse clicks do eventually take effect. The only cure when it happens is for me to click at once on a quickstop batch file I use to make a fast exit (shutdown /p) and go away. After about 30 minutes the machine will have switched off normally. If I then start in safe mode, restore to the earlier time, and uninstall Displayfusion, I can restart normally. Then, because I find working without DF so irritating, I usually eventually reinstall it and have to go through the same traumatic events a few days later. At the moment I have it installed but don't dare to invoke it! Can't wait for a fix!
Either 99.9% of cpu time is being wasted, or (which seems to me to be more likely because 99.9% cpu loss is almost an infinite loop) it's waiting for a timeout almost all the time. I have a hazy memory of waiting absolutely ages for Task Manager to appear and it showed 98% system idle time.
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
So far so good with 4.1.0 Beta 3 after 24 hours of running. If it goes like this for another 24 hours, I will consider the issue fixed for me.
Sam Botha1
1 discussion post
Hi Folks
Been having similar problems in terms of the application not being responsive. I am running 4.01 with 64 bit Windows 7. The app does not use excessive memory or CPU, just seems to redraw the second screen's taskbar quite a bit between screen changes. Preview boxes are also slow. In my case it seems to be related to Excel. I am currently running Excel with a DDE and RTD feed from a Trading System and that seems to be somehow involved. It is as if the frequent updates to the worksheet somehow results in the application's icon having to be repainted ... However, moving the app to the other screen seems to avoid it happening ..... will revert with some more observations if required.
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
Unfortunately, after intensive use of Photoshop CS5, DisplayFusion 4.1.0 Beta 3 has frozen again. Attached is the log file.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [2,001,264 bytes]
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
I'd been good for the last several days, and then today it started up again. I updated to the latest beta and it is still happening.
The only thing different I have running on my machine today that I don't normally have is TightVNC. But right now, I'm watching icons appear and disappear on my DF taskbars, just as I did originally.
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
So I went to turn on logging again to get you another log and after I reloaded DF to start the logging, it's not actiing up again. Which is exactly what happened the first time I tried to get a log when I first reported the issue.
I did grab a copy of the settings (BTW, the Copy to Clipboard threw an error).
Attached is a copy of the settings and the current log file I have, just because I hope it might help.
• Attachment [protected]: df_settings.txt [62,235 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [550,048 bytes]
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
Installed B4 and changed that setting, will let you know if I have any issues. Thanks for your continued support and help with this issue!
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
After I've installed 4.1.0 Beta 4, and also set the setting to '1 CPU Core', I have not seen the issue so far. I have been using Photoshop intensively and DisplayFusion is still running fine. Looks promising! Thanks for the support!
Ok, thanks guys! We're going to release 4.1.0 Beta 5 with it set permanently to 1 Core to see if that will fix it up for other folks as well. I'll post a quick update as soon as it's available to download.
Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Just to add that I also have installed 4.1.0 Beta 4 as suggested and am OK so far.
290 discussion posts
I have been having issues with DF Taskbar not responding, but the Windows 7 taskbar continues to respond, and application windows seem to be ok.
I tried the single core setting but it is still happening. I am running 4.1b4 on Windows 7 Pro x64.
Jun 18, 2012 (modified Jun 18, 2012)
@NetMage: Do you recall which version you started having issues in?
290 discussion posts
No, but I went back to 4.0.1 and it continued to occur - I wondered if a Windows update over the weekend caused it, I don't remember it happening earlier with 4.0.1.
I manually ran all Windows Updates and rebooted (again) and it seems ok under 4.0.1 at this point. I will have to run a while to see.
Also, does it usually take a while before the taskbar starts becoming non-responsive? If so, is it hours, or days that it needs to be running before it starts happening?
290 discussion posts
It is at most hours before it starts happening.
It just started happening with 4.0.1 after I left my desk for a while. I will try with 4.0.
Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
I just came back to report that I'm still using Beta 4 and haven't had any issues since I set it to use a single core.
Daniel Cheong
8 discussion posts
Same for me here, issue not seen for several days with Beta 4. Thanks for fixing it!
Hi all,
We just found a bit of a show-stopping bug in Beta 6, so we've had to pull it for now. We'll be fixing it up, and hopefully will have Beta 7 posted soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience!