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Kelly Kauffman
3 discussion posts
Just updated to 7.2.

Love the new options for the photo screensaver.

I'm using the "show image path" option but the text is really difficult to read. I know it has to have the white outside/black text so that it's visible on solid white or solid black backgrounds...but with the text size so small, it is really difficult to make out the letters.

Is there any way to adjust the size of the font? ...and/or the font that is used for that text?

Registry hack, .ini file...anything?
Jul 30, 2015  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the new version! We are planning to add more font options in the next version, due out in the fall. :)
Jul 31, 2015  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version ( and you can now customize the font/outline for the file name in the DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver :)

Dec 17, 2015  • #3
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