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19 discussion posts
The advanced titlebar "separator size" setting does not do anything that I can see on my Win 7 64-bit system. I'd expect the titlebar icons to space out more or less based on this setting, but nothing happens. I've just installed version 7.3.4 to check this out (had been using a beta). Is there a way to specify the gap between titlebar icons?
Feb 20, 2016 (modified Feb 20, 2016)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That setting name is probably a bit misleading :)

On the Settings > Functions tab, you can add a separator between titlebar buttons by selecting a button in the preview at the bottom of the functions tab, then clicking the New Separator button. The Advanced Setting controls the size of that separator, which by default is the width of one button.

At the moment there isn't a way to control the spacing between the buttons, but it is on our request list, so I've added your vote.

Feb 22, 2016  • #2
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19 discussion posts
Thanks for the clarity of your reply, and for adding my vote to the request for the capability. Cheers.
Feb 22, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Last Monday we released a new DisplayFusion beta version ( and there's now an Advanced Setting to adjust the width of the TitleBar Buttons. In Settings > Advanced Settings, you'll want to use the "Button Size Override: Width" option. I've found that setting it to somewhere between 25 and 30 is a pretty good value if you want them to be narrower than the defaults.

Jun 9, 2016  • #4
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