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James Phelan1
4 discussion posts
I have reset the settings multiple times and I just cannot get this resolved. In the past my running application showed on the monitor on which the window resided. Recently, not sure if it is due to a Windows Update or a Display Fusion update, every open windows shows on the main monitor taskbar and on the monitor on which the program window is running. For instance if I run discord it shows on the taskbar on the main screen as well as the left screen where I have the windows located. I am not sure what changed but it was something recent in either Windows or Display Fusion as I have not install anything else on my machine expect updates for those two things.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a fix? It is kind of annoying to have everything look different after so many years. I keep alot programs open when I am using my flight sim and to have them all show on the main monitor taskbar when they actual windows is on another screen can take up alot of real estate for no real reason.

Thanks for any help
Jul 30, 2023 (modified Jul 30, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi James,

Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Jul 31, 2023  • #2
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James Phelan1
4 discussion posts
Here is a screenshot showing the windows on the left monitor but the taskbar item for in on the left taskbar and the center taskbar. I rolled back to the last version, prior to most recent, and the issue persists.
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-07-31 13_30_02-Greenshot.png [71,566 bytes]
Jul 31, 2023  • #3
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James Phelan1
4 discussion posts
Here is the diagnostic file
• Attachment [protected]: [61,767 bytes]
Jul 31, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, it looks like you have your taskbar mode set to "Windows taskbar shows all windows, DisplayFusion shows relevant windows". If you change that to "All taskbars show relevant windows" in the DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab, it should fix that up.

Aug 1, 2023  • #5
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James Phelan1
4 discussion posts
YEs. That fixed it. Thanks for the help. I thought I had tried that before but I guess now.
Aug 1, 2023  • #6
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
I am having the same issue (ocaisionally). Not only is this ocaisional it sometimes does not effect all programs. One specific example: On my right monitor I have open FireFox, NotePad++, and IP Centcom. IP Centcom was the only one from that screen to also show on my main monitor. Today everything from all moitors is showing on my main screen. Attaching the previously requested file :).

I have:
Windows 10 Pro
Version: 21H2
OS Build: 19044.2846

DisplayFusion Pro 10.1.1
• Attachment [protected]: [365,198 bytes]
Sep 19, 2023 (modified Sep 19, 2023)  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi David,

Do you have it installed from the Windows Store?
Sep 20, 2023  • #8
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
Hi David,

Do you have it installed from the Windows Store?

Are you asking if I installed DisplayFusion from the Store? If yes; then the answer is no. I downloaded and installed it from the website.

The only other software I can think you would be asking this about would be IP Centcom and if that is the case then yes (that is the only whay to install it).
Sep 20, 2023  • #9
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Sep 21, 2023  • #10
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts

Sorry for the delay.. Most of my programs are not from the MS Store and thus should work normally. In the example I gave FireFox and NotePad++ were also effected. To give additional info... That same day/time on my left-hand screen I had Opera, Putty, and Discord "open" and thoes were also showing on my main screen (the center screen). All of those were installed from their respective webbsites.
Sep 24, 2023  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting, could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Sep 25, 2023  • #12
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
see attached
• Attachment [protected]: [365,198 bytes]
Sep 28, 2023  • #13
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It doesn't look like the log file got attached in that zip folder, could you try those steps again?
Sep 29, 2023  • #14
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
It doesn't look like the log file got attached in that zip folder, could you try those steps again?

how about now? not sure what happened the first time
• Attachment: [1,787,365 bytes]
Oct 4, 2023  • #15
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Weird it's still not there. If you open the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab and click "Open Log", does it take you to a "DisplayFusion.log" file? If so, you can send it over?
Oct 5, 2023  • #16
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
Weird it's still not there. If you open the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab and click "Open Log", does it take you to a "DisplayFusion.log" file? If so, you can send it over?

It does... I am able to download and open the zipped attachment... I have unprotected the attachment; so try it now.
Oct 6, 2023  • #17
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new version of DisplayFusion, could you update and send over another log? Here's the link to the download:
Oct 12, 2023  • #18
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
Here you go... so I think I found something that might help.
It seems this issue comes from moving windows between screens... Directly after the update all my windows were showing on the appropriate monitor's taskbar. Then I had to move one program from my center screen to my left screen and now that icon shows in both places :(.
I am attaching two of the troubleshooting files one from before I moved the window and one from after. I am hoping this helps :).
• Attachment: [661,703 bytes]
• Attachment: [660,434 bytes]
Oct 17, 2023  • #19
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. We have some more changes coming in our next beta so we'll let you know once it's released to test out.
Oct 19, 2023  • #20
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've got a test build of DisplayFusion 11 Beta 1 that we're not quite ready to release to everyone through the auto-updater, but thought you might like to try out as it may resolve the issue you reported. This beta has some very big behind the scenes changes that will improve performance, speed up startup times, re-organizes the main settings window, and adds real time settings changes. We've done a lot of internal testing, but be prepared for a few bugs. We'll collect feedback over the holidays and review it all in January.

Please take a backup of your settings (Settings Options Export) before updating and store them outside of the default folder. If you need to roll back to 10.1.2, you can download it at and install it over top of the beta.

If you'd like to give it a try, you can download it here:
Dec 22, 2023  • #21
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5 discussion posts
I just posted about this in a new thread as I have noticed the exact same thing.
I failed to notice that the last upgrade reset my settings randomly.
For example when I checked the taskbar was set to "Windows taskbar shows all windows,Display Fusion shows relevent windows." This was not what I set.

I reset that to All taskbars show relevant Windows and the isue is resolved.
So this was a case of the install routine not respecting user settings. 'Please fix it?

thank you very much for a fine applicaiotn to: I rarely have any issue with it as it seems ot just work as expected for my use case.
"Privacy is fundamental to a well-functioning society because it allows norms, ethics, and laws to be safely discussed and challenged.
Without privacy, a free and open society can neither flourish nor exist."
Dec 26, 2023  • #22
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David Daniluk
8 discussion posts
The beta version seems not to have this issue. I have been using it for a while now without a single instance of this :). Thank you!.
Jan 21, 2024  • #23
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11 discussion posts
Having the same problem ever since I updated from v10.1.2 to 11.0 Beta 3
Windows 10 Pro 64bit
standalone DisplayFusion
2 Monitors, 1080p and 1440p(but running 4k virtual super resolution on this one)

I can see all my windows on all taskbars. (I think in some rare cases I didnt have it with some app)

My taskbar mode is "All taskbars show relevant windows"

No other options make it only show relevant windows.

Really quite annoying as its wasting my taskbar space ( and making me wonder why is this here xD )

It was fine on v10.1.2 and I updated directly to 11.0 Beta 3 and then it was instantly an issue.

EDIT: just noticed that steam does not have this problem, I can move it back and forth and its fine
But Discord always shows up on both, even if I leave it on second monitor and try to close and open discord which directly opens it on second monitor (however there is a loading/splash screen on startup on first monitor anyways)

EDIT: actually I guess I dont see windows on first monitor showing on second monitor taskbar, but second monitor windows are showing on both taskbars (except steam for some reason)

I dont use any windows store apps.

EDIT: testing firefox by leaving it on second monitor and closing it and starting it - still shows up on both
So I dont think this is about where it starts and moving it.

If I move DisplayFusion settings to second monitor, the taskbar button will disappear from main monitor, but then reappear for a second or 2 (kinda flickers there) and then it disappears and stays only on second monitor. That seems weird, but the end result is as I would expect.
Seems like the displayfusion settings get redrawn after moving to second monitor or something like that, maybe that somehow causes the flicker of its taskbar button on main monitor.

Steam does not do that, it simply disappears from main and does not reappear for a second. Just nice and smooth change from 1 to 2

oh and I just realized if I dont maximize discord, it works as expected
Only when the window is maximized/fullscreen then it appears on main, while its on second monitor.
Guess thats a clue?

Very strange
If I have Firefox maximized on second monitor, it appears on both taskbars
When I put it into a window, it still appears on both taskbars
When its in a window and I move it to main monitor and back to second, then everything is fine and its only showing on second taskbar until I maximize it again (just maximize and it appears on main)

I have my second monitor above, I was thinking maybe it somehow goes over to first monitor when its maximized, but I moved the screen layout (display arrangement) in windows to a corner and it was still the same.
Apr 5, 2024 (modified Apr 5, 2024)  • #24
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11 discussion posts
Trying the Log Minimal

I set Log Minimal
Cleared Log
Firefox was maximized on second monitor, showing on both taskbars
I put firefox into a window on second monitor, this time it immediately disappeared from main taskbar (unlike in my previous post)
I maximized firefox on second monitor and it reappeared on main taskbar

And exported the Info to File (attached)

Not sure if thats correct way to do this.

(when I tried second time, after putting it into a window, it still remained on both taskbars and I had to move it to main and back to 2, while windowed, for it to disappear from main taskbar...there is some inconsistency in whether it disappears from main taskbar after putting it into a window)

It seems there are 2 states which flip when I move it back to main.
I have firefox on my second monitor, showing in both taskbars
I put it into a window and back to maximized repeatedly, it does not disappear from main taskbar at any attempt
I move the window (windowed) to main monitor and back to second (with shift + windows + left or right)
Now it disappeared from main taskbar
And now I put it into fullscreen and back into windowed repeatedly, and here its in the other state, now its appearing and disappearing from main taskbar as soon as I put it into window.

It seems something keeps flipping by moving it back and forth between monitors.
...but generally it should just never show on main taskbar, while its on second monitor in any way
• Attachment [protected]: [56,539 bytes]
Apr 5, 2024 (modified Apr 5, 2024)  • #25
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We are aware of this issue on our latest beta and we have it on our list to look into.

Apr 8, 2024  • #26
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta that should fix this up, please let me know if you run into any issues after updating. You can grab it here:

Apr 24, 2024  • #27
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11 discussion posts
Unfortunately no change at all with beta 4.

All taskbars show relevant windows is set. (I also tried changing to something else and back)

I move windows to one monitor or another with Windows + Shift + left or right

e.g. Start discord
1. It starts fullscreen on monitor 2, showing also on taskbar 1 - not ok
2. I put it in a window on monitor 2, showing also on taskbar 1 - not ok
3. I move the windowed discord to monitor 1, showing only on taskbar 1 - ok
4. I move the windowed discord to monitor 2, now its only on taskbar 2 (something switched, like a toggle, I guess whenever I move it to another monitor and back) - ok
5. I make the discord fullscreen on monitor 2, now its also on taskbar 1 - not ok
6. I put it in a window on monitor 2, now its only on taskbar 2 - ok
7. I move the windowed discord to monitor 1 and make it fullscreen and now move it to monitor 2, shows also on taskbar 1 - not ok
8. I make the fullscreen discord windowed while on monitor 2, now its also on taskbar 1 (something switched again, just by moving to another monitor and back) - not ok

And there is still something strange about when its windowed on monitor 2, like some kind of toggle switching whenever I move it from one monitor to another and back.
Like 2 different states.
state 1: Windowed on monitor 2 shows up on taskbar 1 - not ok
then move the window to monitor 1 and back to monitor 2
state 2: Windowed on monitor 2 shows only on taskbar 2 - ok
then move the window to monitor 1 and back to monitor 2
state 1: Windowed on monitor 2 shows up on taskbar 1 - not ok
and so on...

I expect whenever I move it to monitor 2, it should not show on taskbar 1, whether windowed or fullscreen

Apr 24, 2024 (modified Apr 24, 2024)  • #28
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over an updated debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Apr 25, 2024  • #29
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11 discussion posts
16:46 log started (CET time)

16:46:20 started discord

16:46:25 - 1. It starts fullscreen on monitor 2, showing also on taskbar 1 - not ok
16:47:00 - 2. I put it in a window on monitor 2, showing also on taskbar 1 - not ok
16:47:20 - 3. I move the windowed discord to monitor 1, showing only on taskbar 1 - ok
16:47:43 - 4. I move the windowed discord to monitor 2, now its only on taskbar 2 (something switched, like a toggle, I guess whenever I move it to another monitor and back) - ok
16:48:00 - 5. I make the discord fullscreen on monitor 2, now its also on taskbar 1 - not ok
16:48:12 - 6. I put it in a window on monitor 2, now its only on taskbar 2 - ok
16:48:40 - 7. I move the windowed discord to monitor 1 and make it fullscreen and now move it to monitor 2, shows also on taskbar 1 - not ok
16:48:42 - 8. I make the fullscreen discord windowed while on monitor 2, now its also on taskbar 1 (something switched again, just by moving to another monitor and back) - not ok
(I might have forgot to do this last step)

(might be few seconds off in some steps)

attached log
• Attachment [protected]: [88,323 bytes]
Apr 25, 2024 (modified Apr 25, 2024)  • #30
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11 discussion posts
Maybe also worth noting (but probably not related to this issue)
that I dont see the clock in my second taskbar
only the date

And not sure why in the html log file, by the monitors layout, it says:
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMwareResolutionSet.exe" 0 2 , 0 -1080 1920 1080 , 0 0 3840 2160: -

but that .exe does not exist
I uninstalled vmware ages ago
Apr 25, 2024 (modified Apr 25, 2024)  • #31
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5 discussion posts
Hey Everyone,

I tried soething and was surprised at the results.

Go to the Windows taskbar settings
do not disable display fusions taskbar
enable Windows tas bar and ensure it is set to:

When using multiple displays, show my taskbar apps on "Taskbar where windows is open"

When I do this moving windows works as epxected; removing from the the taskbar of the monitor it just left and appearing on the taskbar of the monitor I am moving the app to.

When I disable Windows taskbars it starts with the leaving 99% of the apps iconsd on the main monitor while it also is being displayed on the monitor it was omved to with the display fusion controlled taskbar.

However, with both display fusion and windows taskbars enable, they fight amongst themselves.

With the Windows taskbar impsing itself every 8-10 seconds and display fusion getting rid of it in a second or 2. IN 8-10 seconds rinse repeat.

It seems that MS has set the MAIN windows task bar to act in the default manner of showing all apps on all tasbars everytime the windows taskbar is disabled.

Maybe the fusion devs can kill the Main Windows taskbar also and implement a taskbar for every monitor on the system instead of leaving the main windows taskbar to function on whatever monitor is slectec as the MAIN display?

I heard a nasty rumor that MS is developng blocking routines for all 3rd party apps that will "alter" the WIndows UI.

Under the pretense of stopping security risks imposed by these 3rd paty UI altering apps. Like start 10, groupy, display fusion, Actual Tools (Actual Windpows rollup etc.) and of course Rain Meter.

This is just plain malicious and my total conversion to Linux is not far away now.
I started 1.5 years ago and almost all my PC/Networking needs are now met by Kubuntu.
I might keep an install of Winblows around for the odd game that does not function well on Linux but thats about it AND at 61 years old even THAT won't be necesary for much longer as my fast paced, action game playing years are nearing an end, unfortunately.
"Privacy is fundamental to a well-functioning society because it allows norms, ethics, and laws to be safely discussed and challenged.
Without privacy, a free and open society can neither flourish nor exist."
Apr 26, 2024  • #32
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11 discussion posts
Hey Everyone,

I tried soething and was surprised at the results.

Go to the Windows taskbar settings
do not disable display fusions taskbar
enable Windows tas bar and ensure it is set to:

When using multiple displays, show my taskbar apps on "Taskbar where windows is open"

When I do this moving windows works as epxected; removing from the the taskbar of the monitor it just left and appearing on the taskbar of the monitor I am moving the app to.

When I disable Windows taskbars it starts with the leaving 99% of the apps iconsd on the main monitor while it also is being displayed on the monitor it was omved to with the display fusion controlled taskbar.

However, with both display fusion and windows taskbars enable, they fight amongst themselves.

With the Windows taskbar impsing itself every 8-10 seconds and display fusion getting rid of it in a second or 2. IN 8-10 seconds rinse repeat.

It seems that MS has set the MAIN windows task bar to act in the default manner of showing all apps on all tasbars everytime the windows taskbar is disabled.

Maybe the fusion devs can kill the Main Windows taskbar also and implement a taskbar for every monitor on the system instead of leaving the main windows taskbar to function on whatever monitor is slectec as the MAIN display?

I heard a nasty rumor that MS is developng blocking routines for all 3rd party apps that will "alter" the WIndows UI.

Under the pretense of stopping security risks imposed by these 3rd paty UI altering apps. Like start 10, groupy, display fusion, Actual Tools (Actual Windpows rollup etc.) and of course Rain Meter.

This is just plain malicious and my total conversion to Linux is not far away now.
I started 1.5 years ago and almost all my PC/Networking needs are now met by Kubuntu.
I might keep an install of Winblows around for the odd game that does not function well on Linux but thats about it AND at 61 years old even THAT won't be necesary for much longer as my fast paced, action game playing years are nearing an end, unfortunately.

yeah you are right, if I enable Windows to "Show taskbar on all displays" and "Taskbar where window is open"
That issue is magically fixed.
Just that I have extra taskbar on my second monitor on the bottom (while I use DisplayFusion taskbar on top)

But also that one shows the time, but the DisplayFusion one does not show the time still.


I heard a nasty rumor that MS is developng blocking routines for all 3rd party apps that will "alter" the WIndows UI.

Under the pretense of stopping security risks imposed by these 3rd paty UI altering apps. Like start 10, groupy, display fusion, Actual Tools (Actual Windpows rollup etc.) and of course Rain Meter.

This is just plain malicious and my total conversion to Linux is not far away now.
I started 1.5 years ago and almost all my PC/Networking needs are now met by Kubuntu.
I might keep an install of Winblows around for the odd game that does not function well on Linux but thats about it AND at 61 years old even THAT won't be necesary for much longer as my fast paced, action game playing years are nearing an end, unfortunately.

I know that I absolutely cant stand the Windows 11 taskbar. I am forced to work with it at my work, as no admin rights.
Absolutely hate it. Cant extend, cant always show all tray icons, have to manually make it show everytime some new tray icon appears (seriously???), cant really use "Do not group and show labels" because there is just no space for it, and when I use it there is even a bug that creates a completely useless gigantic gap between the taskbar buttons and the tray icons when it creates the overflow button with 3 dots, making the whole thing even less usable. I never liked grouping, I want to be able to see what each window is and directly click on it.
Absolutely awful, no idea how could they let that go through, but then they always love to mess with these things every windows version. It was perfectly fine in win 10 and you can do everything in Win 10 that you can do in win 11 except the centering, but in win 11 you cant do most of what you could do in win 10.
And the awful new context window where I 80% of the time have to click on "Show more options" to show the old legacy context menu with all the options that I need -.- (can be set default legacy with registry tweak which I have no permission to change)
Just horror. And there is nothing I can do about it at work.
But if I am forced to use it at home, then I am absolutely going to use third party apps.
While I might even consider linux, but there is a lot of things I do that I cant do there.
But definitely the more I see this, the more I am thinking of switching.
Apr 26, 2024 (modified Apr 26, 2024)  • #33
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11 discussion posts
But also, I think this is just something that was introduced in DisplayFusion Pro 11 (in betas)

Didnt have this issue until I updated to the beta.

So I dont think this is anything new that Windows 10 is doing.
Apr 26, 2024 (modified Apr 26, 2024)  • #34
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@Neoony That log you sent just had Discord maximized correct? It didn't have any true full screen windows open within Discord?
May 1, 2024  • #35
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11 discussion posts
@Neoony That log you sent just had Discord maximized correct? It didn't have any true full screen windows open within Discord?

While the logging was active I did all the steps mentioned the post

So I had it maximized and then put to a window multiple times during logging. (either by clicking the maximize button next to the X or double clicking the top part of the application)

There wasnt any full screen windows within discord, just started up discord, it started on second monitor maximized and then the rest of the steps begin.
If by "full screen windows open within Discord?" you mean something like a youtube video fullscreen inside discord, then the answer is no.

It does not happen with notepad.exe
but it also happens with Firefox for example.
It does not happen with steam
but it also happens with vscode insiders for example.
(all standalone apps, not from microsoft store or anything)

Not sure what could those have in common.

If you need me to do something specific during logging, just let me know.
May 1, 2024 (modified May 1, 2024)  • #36
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for confirming, we were able to reproduce this on our end again so we've re-opened it to take another look at
May 6, 2024  • #37
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Jun 26, 2024  • #38
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11 discussion posts
Yep, this looks fully fixed.
Well done!
Thanks for the fix. :)
Jun 27, 2024  • #39
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